Trip Report: IvyPlus some reflections from an admissions conference by Chris Peterson SM '13 June 13, 2011 5 comments
A CPW Challenge I hope Chris Peterson doesn't fire me for too many prefrosh stealing his nametag... by Kate R. '14 April 7, 2011 5 comments
More than 9000 reasons not to groan at my poor usage of outdated memes. ALSO, CPW! by Cam T. '13 April 4, 2011 7 comments
CPW is for Parents too…really!! ...a helpful guide for parents (I hope by Kim Hunter '86 April 1, 2011 1 comment
Looking Back, Looking Forward In which I take a study break, discover some embarrassing videos, and tell you why… by Hamsika C. '13 March 31, 2011 12 comments
Newly Admitted Student Events… ...coming to your neighborhood. by Kim Hunter '86 March 17, 2011 3 comments
MIT on the road Admissions officers are visiting cities across the United States. by Matt McGann '00 September 11, 2010 14 comments
Undercover Admissions Officer ...or how I saw the campus through "fresh eyes". by Kim Hunter '86 August 5, 2010 19 comments