Dropout Design and the Disco Dance Floor ridiculous ideas can sometimes develop into pretty solid business plans. STORYTIME. by Lulu L. '09 April 25, 2007 13 comments
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Balloons Literally. One thousand. Like, a one with 3 zeros. One times ten to the third.… by Laura N. '09 December 2, 2006 30 comments
Activate Party Mode! Auctomated dorm controls at East Campus. by Matt McGann '00 May 15, 2006 10 comments
Public Art Projects An art piece that captures the essence of the title of my blog. by Bryan December 8, 2005 7 comments
Hummingbird in a Cube of Ice Singing in the shower, taken to a whole new level. by Sam M. '07 October 30, 2005 2 comments
Friends, Carafes, and the Infinite Corridor What a week! Watch Tim play his instrument after a morning of camaraderie and cheap… by Anthony R. '09 October 16, 2005 6 comments