Blog / Extracurriculars Let’s Build a Snowman [CRITICAL UPDATE!] We can make him our best friend , rounded it off, and were left with a perfectly massive snowball. Step 2 by Snively '11 January 25, 2009
Blog / Challenges I’m still here (and MIT’s still hard) The little comment that wasn't. (This isn't edited. It sounds awkward at times. Deal.) teacher, and 2) completely butchering everyone's names. I spent the year by Keri G. '10 January 12, 2009
Blog / About Decisions Otra Vez, Como Siempre Some J-Pop to cheer you up. =p period of 2 months or so when my parents started freaking out about me not by Chris S. '11 December 12, 2008
Blog / Miscellaneous American culture at its finest: Thanksgiving How my family celebrates the holiday. Plus a crash course in U.S. culture for internationals. , but her 2 brothers live out of state and only make it back to Jersey by Laura N. '09 November 27, 2008
Blog / MIT Life I’ve got Mail! And a LAPTOP! Why I can breathe again, and the 10 most recent emails in my inbox. 's when I need to charge up. 2) Someone spilled water on my laptop. Yikes by Kim D. '09 November 17, 2008
Blog / Admissions We Treat You Nicely VOTE VOTE VOTE! week or two before these weeks because those are extremely busy. 2 by Snively '11 November 13, 2008
Blog / How to Human Time Management Reading this article adds +15 to Time Skills same things, you can focus on the new stuff you have to make time for. 2 by Chris M. '12 November 1, 2008
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond Banditos Misteriosos Everybody enjoys a ghoul dance party! :// 2. Don’t come wearing the sheet. At the first sound of an airhorn, put by Snively '11 October 25, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research You win some, you lose some. day in the life. around to getting dressed it was about 2:30 and I put on my SPS Shirt by Lulu L. '09 October 23, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Examining exams Sometimes, grades matter less than photons are matter. diagrams at 2 AM in the morning*. I went to the office hours of multiple TA by Yan Z. '12 October 4, 2008
Blog / Admissions And so it is… Just like the blogosphere said it would be. movie this is based on a 2-sentence plot description and no title), the by Mikey Yang '05 September 14, 2008
Blog / MIT History & Culture The Top of the World If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the roof of the Green… -Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Just in case you were curious. ;) An aerial by Paul B. '11 August 3, 2008
Blog / MIT Life In which I am only slightly less boring than usual The title says it all, no? cool BUT UNNECESSARY WHY COULDN'T THAT HAVE BROKEN?! 2) My life has been by Keri G. '10 July 12, 2008
Blog / Events Ben’s Farewell The conclusion to the Ben tribute entries, and a little advice. My sister graduated college a few weeks ago, which meant two things: 1) I learned the Latin word "vincimus", which means "We conquer" and sounds like a house elf from Harry Potter and 2) my parents, who were in by Jess K. '10 June 28, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research The fight’s begun but not yet won me vs. vista sanity feature that prohibited more than 9 1/2 hours of straight access by Lulu L. '09 June 12, 2008
Blog / Events Oh the Places You’ll Go! Did you know Dr. Seuss was a SigEp? a result my course grade was 0.2% higher than the A cutoff by Chris S. '11 May 27, 2008
Blog / MIT Life The Internet is Weird My first attempt at using eBay, or, how I'm trying to profit off of sad… remembered something that happened like, almost 2 years ago. I was in Ben by Laura N. '09 May 15, 2008
Blog / MIT Life DONE (sorta) If I'm done, why am I still stressed? . V -- 2.007 was the other day and, although I didn't get to stay for by Snively '11 May 9, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research My UROP Experiences Research is kinda cool. things that make the digits on your calculator) to a plastic. 2: Make the by Derrick B. '08 May 7, 2008
Blog / Events And I’m leaving, on a . . . cruise ship? Don't know when I'll be back again. clothes) and the majority of Conner 2 settled in to enjoy some good ol by Snively '11 May 4, 2008