Blog / Admissions MIT ‘10: Eletha Flores The awesome Eletha Flores '10. e-mail account like 'MITfreshman,'" she recalled. Flores was one of by Matt McGann '00 July 26, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research What can you do in four years? .002. Never took any MechE classes (which I wanted to). Never took 4.301 or by Jessie L. '07 July 19, 2006
Blog / Admissions A slightly snarkier guide to visitors How to not be the kind of MIT visitor who drives me up the wall. building number -- the medical building is E25, the student center is W20 by Mollie B. '06 July 12, 2006
Blog / Admissions Visiting MIT & Boston colleges Some tips for checking out MIT and Boston this summer. -Friday Northeastern UniversityGreen Line, E Train: Northeastern9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm by Matt McGann '00 July 11, 2006
Blog / Life after MIT Yes, I am still alive My fourth of July in America's hometown Chuck E. Cheese.) 2. Elizabeth wrote, I've been reading about this cool by Mollie B. '06 July 6, 2006
Blog / Athletics Gimme a “C”! What a bunch of the cheerleaders are up to this summer. Hint: It's not sitting… . EDIT, 6/29 Shannon '08 Major? Environmental Engineering (1-E) Favorite by Mollie B. '06 June 27, 2006
Blog / Admissions Doonesbury Conclusion Official Doonesbury news. were not posted on the site today. But when contacted by E&P this by Matt McGann '00 May 26, 2006
Blog / How to Human Mid-May Update Q&A: Athena tips and hints :// e) Want to upload things to your MIT Athena or Web space? You can do by Anthony R. '09 May 19, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Neuroscience classes procedures (e.g. "How would you separate sodium and potassium current in an by Jessie L. '07 April 26, 2006
Blog / Challenges The first step admitting you need help. .02 (physics E&M) or 7.013 (biology). Everyone is always happy to lend a hand by Mollie B. '06 April 8, 2006
Blog / MIT Life These are a few of my favorite things Silver-white winters that melt into Newbury Street shopping. and E&M). I'll note that I'm not a huge fan of math, but even I by Mollie B. '06 February 22, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Out of the lab and into the internet Confession: I actually listen to music from the movie Ice Princess. I'm not even kidding. Ethan '05, who is currently in the MechE program, but he hasn't gotten by Mollie B. '06 January 27, 2006
Blog / MIT Life Indiscipline Taking a break from finals studying to explain what I've done instead of finals studying. ChemE holiday party. I even missed picking up my non by Sam M. '07 December 16, 2005
Blog / Hacks Yay! A hack! Know what're cool? See title. .) There was even a high scores banner in Lobby 7: Hee. E1337. Get it? It by Laura N. '09 December 14, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Sometimes a whale is just a whale Humanities classes make me roll my eyes sometimes. pdf). Certain departments, like chemE (and formerly biology, but no by Mollie B. '06 December 13, 2005
Blog / Events December Events Simulation Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6-7:30pm E52-010 (Sloan Trading Room by Mitra L. '07 December 3, 2005
Blog / Events Special October Events :30 p.m. in the Porter Room. We have obtained carts full of the biggest (i.e by Mitra L. '07 October 24, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Ruth says update your blog! FIRST is cool. So are rebuses. discovery a few days later. I was on my way to the MechE computer lab to work by Laura N. '09 October 19, 2005
Blog / Admissions Meeting FAQ The answers to the FAQs at our Central Meetings. I'm in Southern California now, preparing for the following Central Meetings: Orange County: Wednesday, September 28 (tonight!), 7:00pm; Troy High School Auditorium, 2200 E. Dorothy Lane, Fullerton, CA 92831Los by Matt McGann '00 September 28, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research A week in the life ). Yeesh. E&M neurophysics problems and Matlab implementations of by Jessie L. '07 September 25, 2005