became obsessed with the word consilience. I loved all of my classes ... - and was enamored by the possibility of doing research that bridged ... it's been collecting dust.
On Monday, at the beginning of my Chaucer
Though born in Massachusetts, I grew up in the wintry hinterlands of ... Burlington area, which averages a bit over five feet of snow every year. While ... will melt, whereas in Burlington it never does, so towards the end of the
Description: Studies important examples of the literary form that, between the beginning of the 18th century and the end of the 19th century, became an indispensable instrument for representing modern life, in the hands of such
editing was far more polished than any of my dreams could ever dream of ... -and-white-and-symbolically-important-colors-only. The sad truth is that my periods of REM sleep, no matter how R my EM may ... of Helvetica not only gave aesthetic purity to subway signs but also
’ve ridden my fair share of intercity trains here in the USA, on the East Coast ... /Miami
The City of New Orleans connecting Chicago and New Orleans
The passenger train receives woefully little love in the US of A, but it
Given that tomorrow is pi(e) day, a celebration of irrational numbers ... experiment.
Let’s imagine that one day, a pang of hunger strikes you as though ... search of a bakery for a well-deserved snack.
As you’re wandering through
change gonna' come."
For the greater part of my blog's existence, many of ... ). Well thanks to one of my favorite prefrosh, the dream is now reality!
Check out an incredible piece of graphic art from Ms. Star Simpson of the
Unfortunately this semester, I left the selection of my HASS class to last, so I have to find one that fits my schedule instead of ... ; let me know what you think!
11.002J Fundamentals of Public Policy
friends"]60+ days[/annotation] of anime and have read tens of thousands of chapters of manga. I learned Japanese so I could watch shows without needing ... part of me that I wouldn't actively think about writing about it, but
Recap: I survived the last week of February with hit points to spare, despite running out of energy cards sometime around Thursday afternoon ... page 2 of my test booklet, and continued to the next round of combat
Thanksgiving morning was a groggy smear of coffee, subway, and airport, a rhapsody in grey shattered once by an outburst of sunrise over ... ocean of sky, I woke up and instantly felt the narcotic echoes of the
In 1981, Gerald Fink was a professor at Cornell and a member of a ... split over the idea of establishing an MIT-affiliated but independent ... opposition. Fink remembers being a part of one meeting about Whitehead in which
week of grueling exams. However, during this time I decided to take a break from the endless hours of studying and just go through some old ... those of you that haven’t gotten there yet, Chris always has some of the
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE LAZY: You, email me, picture of you ... , which is this week long celebration of Greek life on campus, which is kind of a big deal- last I checked, 50% of men are in frats, and a little
of my time immersed in the intricacies of addition reactions to alkenes ... chemistry), not to mention the peculiarities of second-order ordinary ... ; halohydration, osmylation, reduction, alkylation, and (of course) ozonoloysis. I
prove that all of your tooling has made you a better thinker? For most MIT ... must be completed by the end of your senior year and it will be permanently archived by the MIT Libraries.
I did a little bit of web surfing to
. You get a sense of what it is we do at MIT, how we play, see the ... about your living group, the student groups you're a part of, your major ... to 1,000 potential members of next year's freshman class. Are you going
where viewers choose which of three new science programs will get picked up for a full run. One of the shows, WIRED Science, is co-hosted by an ... Sciences, or EAPS) and was a member of the a cappella group the Muses
Description: Uses the tools of macroeconomics to study various macroeconomic ... . Requires a 20-page paper on the economics of long-run economic growth ... recitation
fun fact: The entire first chapter of our textbook is devoted to the