Thoughts on Removing the Long Essay from the Freshman Application So long, extraneous passages of florid prose. by Keri G. '10 October 23, 2009 38 comments
Obama to speak on clean energy, visit MIT energy labs today You can watch the speech live... or wait for the bloggers' account of it! by Matt McGann '00 October 23, 2009 11 comments
Obama’s Visiting MIT! Does that mean he gets an advantage in the admissions process? by Mikey Yang '05 October 20, 2009 22 comments
Going Social Thinking about MIT Admissions and social media. by Chris Peterson SM '13 October 14, 2009 20 comments
Liveblog: Info Session with Karyn Blaser! Learn about MIT by Snively '11 October 12, 2009 35 comments
Advice for Seniors From me to you. Why? Because I care by Quinton McArthur October 10, 2009 35 comments
Work and Energy Can't do the former if you don't have the latter. by Hamsika C. '13 October 7, 2009 29 comments