Blog / MIT Life My Day Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats.... watch the lecture videos online, which are super helpful. The class is 3 by Rachel D. '16 November 19, 2014
Blog / How to Human Trick or Treating Halloween Shenanigans Chipotle to take advantage of their Halloween $3 deal for costumed by Krystal L. '17 November 1, 2014
Blog / IAP IAP in China through MIT’s China Development Initiative A week-long mentorship program in Xiamen, Fujian . Our MIT crew (~5 undergrads) were hosted by 3-4 local high school by Anna H. '14 July 17, 2014
Blog / Study Abroad Thoughts from the Other Side MIT through a different lens transition to the new learning environment as quickly without them! 3. The by Kirsten L. '15 May 30, 2014
Blog / MIT Life A Chapter Closes To open another —so to speak—came simply enough. I sat down somewhere to write a 3-hour by Vincent A. '17 May 24, 2014
Blog / How to Food Healthy Eating Craze It is not difficult to be a vegetarian here at MIT stiff/firm) The Quiche Ingredients: 3/8 cup mayonaise 1/2 cup rice by Rachel D. '16 August 11, 2013
Blog / Personal Travel Waterfall Camping in Shenandoah National Park Snakes and fireflies. steep, 3/4-ish mile climb to the upper falls. Aware that sunset was by Anna H. '14 July 11, 2013
Blog / Admissions CPW at Random Hall! While the science gets done, you can build a neat fort with the Settlers drinking… relax? Step 3: DEATH TO THE INFIDELS WHO CONSTRUCTED THESE INFERIOR by Lydia K. '14, MEng '16 April 11, 2013
Blog / Academics & Research Freshman FAQs and a cliffhanger or two. ' basement. 3. "UROPs. UROPs UROPs UROPs" MIT's Undergraduate Research by Michael C. '16 April 7, 2013
Blog / Academics & Research The Junior Spring Line-Up, Part 1: Classes Learning Middle English, sketching constellations, holding meteorites polytrope of index 3, by coding a 4th order Runge-Kutta method; if that sounds by Anna H. '14 March 3, 2013
Blog / Academics & Research Junior Year: The First Week (Originally titled "Junior Year: The First Day" but I procrastinated too much) Labor Day, I've only had something from 3 out of 4 of my classes. Even so by Emad T. '14 September 9, 2012
Blog / MIT Life The last few days of summer I think I spent them well. ) I'm a pretty good shot, 2) I like revolvers better than Glocks, 3) I by Anna H. '14 September 6, 2012
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond Things You Won’t Have to Buy (or spend *that* much on) This one's especially for the incoming freshmen. be), you can learn about 3D animation, illustration, web design by Emad T. '14 August 18, 2012
Blog / Academics & Research Primer trimestre del primer año Una historia de terror, diría… pero con un final feliz. cantidad de personas. 3. JE preguntó: “Para que una carrera de investigación by Mollie B. '06 March 31, 2012
Blog / Extracurriculars Watching Birdwatchers And getting into summer programs. flamingos. And miscellaneous birds of prey.) (3) Birds that steal my food by Anna H. '14 March 3, 2012
Blog / Challenges Cancer life-changing. ;3 To add a personal touch to this blog entry, I want to introduce by Hamsika C. '13 February 18, 2012
Blog / Academics & Research Grades in Context Sometimes, B stands for "baller" .02 curriculum. I mean, isn't that why the class numbers end in the same 3 digits by Emad T. '14 January 15, 2012
Blog / Admissions Regular Action Deadline Q & A Have a question about your MIT application? Read on... Tuesday, January 3rd. However, with the RA deadline fast approaching, I by Matt McGann '00 December 22, 2011
Blog / Art, Literature, Music I auditioned for a musical Oh my goodness, oh my goodness real life, I'm not like Tessie. Added 3 Dec: Um...woah. I got a by Anna H. '14 December 2, 2011
Blog / MISTI Another Journey Planned How to go abroad 101 and the groups they support. 3) Brazil: During IAP my sophomore year I by Becca H. '12 February 21, 2011