Blog / How to MIT Laptops! It goes on the top of your lap. you will see three varieties: 1) Mac 2) Dell 3) Lenovo IBM Thinkpad by Snively '11 March 22, 2008
Blog / Admissions Summer Lovin’ Tell me more, tell me more! revolving solar system. That took me like 3 afternoons and 2 nights...=/) We by Chris S. '11 February 8, 2008
Blog / Events Adonde? Excuse me sir, I seem to have misplaced my pants. "Snively, Improv Everywhere is doing their no-pants subway ride at 3 o by Snively '11 January 17, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research As if course numbers weren’t enough: Learning your A, B, Cs, and OEs Different majors at MIT, and why I chose mine Engineering), 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), or 6-3 by Melis A. '08 November 11, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Classes! Classes! Classes! Classes! class, I usually have fun. 3. Chinese III - this is the class I picked up by Karen F. '11 November 1, 2007
Blog / How to Food Internet is Gonna Get Me In lieu of studying, I finally get around to answering your questions. dorms (the i3 videos, or Interactive Introduction to the Institute, can be by Jess K. '10 September 29, 2007
Blog / Admissions Wise Words From Mikey A good thing to read as you prepare to arrive on campus and begin your… for 2-3 years (examples: I didn't learn until junior or senior year that by Ben Jones August 15, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Comments, UROPs, field trips, and OMG HP7! The most awesome blog entry ever. Because...okay it's probably not. But it's all about how… middle of the cruise boat. 3. A good Slytherin to appear. Why are the by Laura N. '09 July 20, 2007
Blog / About Decisions Consider a Gap Year Deferring enrollment is an option you may want to consider. 3-108 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 We will grant a deferral for almost any by Matt McGann '00 June 1, 2007
Blog / MIT Life What the end of the semester does to Conner 2 For one thing, no one does the dishes. And I mean no one. .01 (Calculus) 8.01 (Mechanics) 3.091 or 5.111 or 5.112 (different "flavors" of by Laura N. '09 December 27, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Al Kwon ‘08: Researching drug delivery Al Kwon, a Junior majoring in Biology, talks about some of his really exciting work… (since Spring 2006) and the encapsulation of omega-3 oil (since Spring 2006 by Melis A. '08 December 12, 2006
Blog / Admissions October ‘06 Questions Omnibus Some advice from MIT interviewers, and answers to your questions. . (3) Interviews and parts of the application: I've interviewed students ... (such as in a 3 year bachelors degree granting ... back to 'NO SCHOOL AVAILABLE' again...any problem with that? "Q3. As you by Matt McGann '00 October 23, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Re-introduction A summary, for those of you just tuning in. blogosphere. 3. Drew asked, How do we know what foreign language class to by Mollie B. '06 July 26, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Just some potpourri Zoo! New computer! Cooking! Books! Spine-crushingly tedious work at the lab! because they kept conflicting with required classes in my majors. 3 by Mollie B. '06 July 22, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research It’s the terror of knowing Ten dollars for my thoughts on grad school. fairs. 3. I can't go to MIT for a PhD. Now, this isn't a bad thing by Sam M. '07 July 20, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Once upon a time Who I was in high school. at learning from books -- and I'm very jealous of them! 3. Katie '10 by Mollie B. '06 July 19, 2006
Blog / MIT History & Culture Where are you going with this? The ponderings of an ex-frosh. said, my GPA is a 3.8. When I tell my friends, I think I'll just leave it by Laura N. '09 June 18, 2006
Blog / MISTI DOMR My first crazy picture entry from Germany. couldn't e-mail Sam's Mom. 3. Mr. Chicken. Mr. Chicken (not Herr Chicken by Sam M. '07 June 8, 2006
Blog / MIT Life “Why does my kid have to move again?” different dorms and watch the i3 (Interactive Introduction to the Institute by Jessie L. '07 June 2, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Who we are All the stuff I've been trying to write since last July. It isn't much, but… can't say that I know the location of any in the surrounding cities. 3 by Mollie B. '06 May 23, 2006