Blog / MIT History & Culture Belonging Who belongs at MIT? ended up spending about 2 days with no heat, water, electricity by Mollie B. '06 August 29, 2005
Blog / Events Can You Become Back at MIT, with excitement and pictures unpacking priorities: Look, a river view! I'm on the 2nd floor of my by Mitra L. '07 August 26, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Schedules are up! hours in a week during term anyway, though.) Edit: Ah! Here we are. 2 by Mollie B. '06 August 18, 2005
Blog / Admissions An Interview about the Interview Remember: questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as [your] heart. , otherwise known as an Educational Counselor (EC). 2. Where do you interview by Mitra L. '07 August 18, 2005
Blog / Personal Travel jetsetting i saw a flying pig. tasty. Stop #2: Graeter's Ice Cream - Oprah's Favorite Ice Cream I by Bryan August 9, 2005
Blog / Personal Travel My Old Kentucky Home at least 2-3 times a week (by now, of course, I have a group of people by Jessie L. '07 August 8, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Beauty and the Geek Some of the greatest companies in the world recruit at MIT. Apparently, so do some… for American Idol 2, but I don't think he got to appear on television as by Sam M. '07 August 1, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Cool Classes 6 people. I have friends in Courses 2 (MechE), 3 (Materials), 6 (EECS by Jessie L. '07 July 20, 2005
Blog / Athletics Kick to the limit! The Korean Flying Tigers! What could possibly sound more exciting than that? spectacular fashion! 2. well-choreographed, perfectly-synchronized dance by Sam M. '07 July 19, 2005
Blog / How to Human An MIT survival guide . Caffeine is great in a pinch, but eventually the piper must be paid. 2. It by Mollie B. '06 July 5, 2005
Blog / MIT Life You know, that intro stuff cool projects, one of which involves running mice (this one is named 9M2 by Mollie B. '06 July 5, 2005
Blog / Admissions July 4th in Boston MIT has the best seat for Boston's July 4th celebrations. prime fireworks watching location. 2. The Sailing Pavilion. For members of by Matt McGann '00 July 5, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Hello world! Bomb by U2. I ran cross-country in high school, and did crew as a by Jessie L. '07 July 5, 2005
Blog / Personal Travel Three of a perfect pair Biking! Clothing! Exploding! A day in the life. no fear biking. In the 2.6 mile stretch of road from 77 Massachusetts ... small and cost about $2 each, so even though you win some and you lose ... . Chapter 2: Short Skirt, Long Jacket The Garment District is my favorite by Sam M. '07 July 5, 2005
Blog / MIT History & Culture MIT References two years, and #2, this was written before Acemoglu received it this by Mitra L. '07 June 25, 2005
Blog / Admissions Summertime I am often asked what we admissions officers do during the summer. Frequently, people assume… working on a redesign of our viewbook, as well as Admissions Blogs v2.0 and by Matt McGann '00 June 10, 2005
Blog / Admissions Share the joy , Entrepreneurship, and Science (MITE2S), which the website describes as "a rigorous by Matt McGann '00 December 8, 2004
Blog / Admissions App Reading In The Western ‘Burbs The little towns west of Cambridge are filled with history and charm, and are surprisingly… my window on Friday as I read your applications: #1 | #2 Cool, huh by Ben Jones November 14, 2004
Blog / Admissions The Final Countdown deadline draws near. I expect that Tuesday, November 2, will be the busiest by Matt McGann '00 October 20, 2004
Blog / Admissions I hate the way I don’t hate you : Arrested Development, 3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days in the Life of (if you by Matt McGann '00 September 25, 2004