Blog / MIT Life Turkeys and babies But no baby turkeys. in harmony on my first flight of sophomore year and 2) it is keeping me by Jess K. '10 November 25, 2007
Blog / IAP Thanksgiving Reflections Be thankful. "famous" majors like MechE (Course 2) or EECS (Course 6)). One of the by Chris S. '11 November 24, 2007
Blog / Extracurriculars A grab bag filled with a magical camp and the Big Apple One month of activities in one entry. my research (2 poster presentations + a lab presentation), writing by Melis A. '08 August 19, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Our mother shoulda just named you Laika! Come on Alex, you can do it. my (and apparently, Spam's) favorite songs, Neighborhood #2 (Laika). I by Jess K. '10 June 25, 2007
Blog / MIT Life I O Europe Help me, blog stalkers, you're my only hope. actually upset when they got finished with all 2,500 names, because it meant by Sam M. '07 June 16, 2007
Blog / Admissions Real Snow! Real pictures this time. have it, Conner 2's awesome, snow-filled weekend adventure. I literally by Laura N. '09 April 20, 2007
Blog / Admissions Testimony from an ’11 By: Debbie, '11 sleep by 2 am (even if most of the students were still up doing an 18.03 p by Bryan April 20, 2007
Blog / Admissions More Updates from Cambridge It's CPW 24/7 here. We can't wait to see you. Saturday afternoon at 4:30. Lecture by Senator Ted Kennedy on Friday at 2 by Matt McGann '00 April 10, 2007
Blog / About Decisions MIT, You Make Me Wanna Wait! Between high school and MIT, I took two years to travel and work as a… , 3rd floor, Private Dining Rooms 1 & 2. Parents are warmly welcomed by Anthony R. '09 April 8, 2007
Blog / Admissions A Blog Entry About Transition This blog entry is about transition. The act of passing from one state or place… high school of 2,000+, graduating class of 620, class sizes of about 20 by Jess K. '10 April 2, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research More Notes From The UK [by Mirat Shah '08] Currently in Cambridge, it is 50 degrees F and not only… dishes (30 pieces or more) for 2.99 and I found an amazing sweater and by Cambridge March 12, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Holiday Gifts, MIT Style Some unique products from MIT people. , coming in at a mere 2.5 feet by 3.5 feet. Guitar Hero and Karaoke by Matt McGann '00 December 27, 2006
Blog / MIT History & Culture Worlds within worlds factors: 1. Your living group 2. Your extracurricular activities by Jessie L. '07 December 14, 2006
Blog / How to Human A Cautionary Tale of Two Students You may be surprised by how many first year students at MIT believe that they… the world in which she lives. Student type 2 - we'll call him Mills - is by Bryan G. Nance November 22, 2006
Blog / Admissions You’ve got questions… ...I've got answers strewn amidst an explosion of other stuff. 's not the case, then you can be me. 2) Why, yes! You can even stream it on by Keri G. '10 November 6, 2006
Blog / Admissions Hey VMars fans Wallace is Course 2! insane to listen to my classmates argue with our teachers to get 2 points by Laura N. '09 November 5, 2006
Blog / How to MIT Boys like cars and money $1 billion is not enough for thefacebook, but $9 an hour is good enough for… , because there is a sign specifically telling them not to do so. 2. If you by Sam M. '07 September 25, 2006
Blog / Events DME SoccerBot Championships 2006 (Or, How Does Justin Timberlake Live With Himself?) All we are saying is give Pluto a chance. would be pretty cool. Maybe 2?.. hey, where are you going?" Like I said by Jess K. '10 August 30, 2006
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Rosalind Franklin and Kent State Two more short book reviews and some news of my summer not (directly) relating to… "kill the pigs!" Nevermind that 2 of the 4 killed weren't even attending by Laura N. '09 July 16, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Cellular neurobiology The more syllables it has, the cooler it is think a little harder. ;) 2. Nathan asked, I'm really interested in by Mollie B. '06 July 1, 2006