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Blog / Best of the Blogs
Adulthood Boom!
Sorry if this is just a rehash of my Grown Up post from last year. January seems to be the month to be sentimental and reflect upon the impending doom delightful adventure of aging. -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
From the other side of grad school Trust me, I'm a doctor
“He touched the brim of his hard hat and glanced back at the dome ... a temple of science.” Ending of First Light by Richard Preston My thesis defense was at 9:30am over Zoom, with a committee of six professors -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Random Random Projects/Moving Out of Random Randomly zigzagging about until I find myself in the future, somehow no longer in Random.
At the end of the semester I emailed Random Hall’s social mailing list asking people to send me their projects. Here are some of the ... panorama of my door, also attached. YQ L. ‘15 As you might know, I do a lot -
Blog / Academics & Research
anatomy of a freshman year 🦴🧠🩸🖐️🫀 my first year at mit, told through the body
classic american college experience: classes, clubs, a diverse group of ... am referring to the 6 stem classes that must be taken (or tested out of) by all undergraduates"]girs [/annotation]done following the advice of -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
The rise and fall of CPW all the cpw history, plus proof the weather machine is fake
I've been busy recently because of CPW. Like last year, CPW is being ... people sent lots of messages. Trinidad, one of the admissions directors ... not be tolerated[/caption] Unfortunately, I was weak of will. It -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
major takeaways: from every semester of mit
's very easy to get caught up in the daily metronome of life, especially ... hate most about this time of year. I've never had a good spring semester ... done. It's just a crawl to the end of the school year before you can do -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Pictures from a Semester of Classes The Sequel Society Didn't Know It Needed
Athletic Center which marked the end of a very long first semester at MIT. So like before, I'm gonna continue to give y'all a glimpse of whatever just ... student center study sessions, a few office hours, and a lot of late -
Blog / About Decisions
25 Stories of Getting Accepted to MIT told by students and alums
Note: all stories below are unedited accounts of current and former ... screamed loud enough that the person on the other side of the living room ... a large quantity of ice cream the night before. If I got in, I would -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
MIT Gangnam Style Yes...........this exists.
, and now has the third most views on all of Youtube. 560,719,326 views, as of 8:23am today. 560,719,327 a few minutes later, because a friend ... the rest of this post to make sense, you should probably catch up -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
A Few of my Favorite Things (Counting Blessings) Maybe the most sentimental blog post I’ve written.
summer. The morning after I got here, I woke up to a pile of stuffed animals on top of me where I had fallen asleep on the couch and, on a post ... say that this note and the feelings behind it was one of my favorite -
Blog / Admissions
The Room(s) Where It Happens You've hit submit. What Comes Next?
2.5 months of chewing, a faceless algorithm spits out a decision. Or ... of time reading alone. My amazing, very human, non-pizza colleagues and I read every single part of your application. We synthesize the -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Halloween is the best day of the year. Yes, I recognize that it is now closer to Thanksgiving than to Halloween. Sorry.
Halloween is awesome, for a bajillion reasons. Reason 1 of 1 bajillion: It's my birthday. Reason 2 of 1 bajillion: Nerdiness and creativity and ridiculousness emerge in costume form. Reason 3 of 1 bajillion: An -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Burton 1 Social Club This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my ridiculous, hilarious, amazing floor.
pretty much like the Chuck Norris of all floors. If we were on Heroes, we ... that I've established that, we can all go home. I say this lightly, of ... you. Different places suit different people (which is true not only of -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
An Admissions Excavation Chris gave me a box of stuff and this is what I found inside
mission, as it were, was to dig through this mystery box of old DVDs, CDs, and tapes of admissions movies and pictures and unearth anything funny ... /label/digitize everything but that’s less interesting). So, here are some of the coolest