student must complete 8 HASS classes, including 5 electives. Those electives ... second major. Also, if you stay a 5th year to get your M.Eng. degree in ... degree in that 5th year.
Niraj wrote, "I have a question about choosing
begin with, as I arrived about 4-5 days into the event, just before the ... under 5’ 7’, though weight doesn’t really matter, as a ballast is added to ... ' battery.[/caption]
It’s 5AM the morning of Day 3 on the American Solar
Enjoy a summer at MIT ✅
I’ve spent about 1.5 summers here! I spent my ... , but not all of them. I think I’ve taken the SL1/2/3 but not the SL4/5. I ... MIT. Special shoutout to the 5ish people in my OL group (Black 83 I
- March 5
Disney World Trip w/ deephers - March 18-March 22
LSC ... - May 28
5SOS Concert - June 14
Ethan comes to visit - July 8 ...
Lollapalooza - July 30- July 31
[Company name] Interview - Aug. 5
to Blue Hills twice, once for a 5-mile, relatively-flat loop, and once with some roommates on the Skyline Trail (a much larger struggle at 12.5 ... .
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1.5 years physically at MIT and my one splendid Zoom U semester, I ... , not a 9-5. I know that some high schoolers might be reading this and ... aren’t exactly wrong; I would agree with you. I woke up around 5:30 every
, but hey, it sounded cool. I knew like 5 people who did karate in ... is offered every quarter. At MIT, we got semesters, but there are 5 PE ... , about 3.5 steps away from your back foot. Fun times, I do not like holding
, NY until 4th grade and moved to Miami, FL to start 5th grade. Soon ... hour bus ride away from our home, and our second high school was a 1 - 1.5 ... scores were subpar (back in the ancient times of 5 years ago when these