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Blog / MIT History & Culture
pictures of home
a concert / jazz and reggae / late night conversations / pizza / checking checklists / days so warm and restless and impatient / writing and finding poetry -
Blog / MIT Life
The Month of Novembeard a cultural exchange
importance of having many cultures and learning from them. Today, I would like to share a bit of my own culture with you. It is, in fact, my home state of New Hampshire's greatest, and most revered, cultural practice -
Blog / Miscellaneous
Devoid of Content Well, mostly.
This post is almost entirely devoid of content except to point out a particularly funny exchange in the comments of a recent post. It's a constant ... commenting is acceptable behavior or not. I'm guilty of being one of those -
Blog / MIT Life
Funny pictures of me I wear a New Year's party hat. That's funny, right?
's like impossible to think of some clever 4 word phrase to encapsulate your ... and watching Season 2 of Veronica Mars on DVD with my sister while consuming large amounts of junk food. Well, that was the plan, and we did in -
Blog / Extracurriculars
Hogwarts Institute of Technology Except we have 11 houses instead of 4.
EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS HACK YESTERDAY. For those of you who may not have known, I am a *gigantic* Harry Potter nerd. I am one of those people who can name quite a few of the hundreds of really unimportant characters -
Blog / Admissions
State of the Mail We're processing a lot of mail.
As I write, our terrific Records Office team is processing the largest volume of mail you've ever seen. There is a lot of mail to be opened ... period of time. More updates soon... -
Blog / Personal Travel
Party of One A fun day trip idea when you're getting tired of homework.
One of the great things about living in Boston is the close promixity to all sorts of cool places to visit. And one of the great things about ... Street, passing Senior House (another undergrad dorm). A couple of -
Blog / Admissions
Schools of dreams
School of Dreams (a case study of Whitney High School in Los Angeles ... , and could only admit ~1600 students. But most of the students to whom we ... . Often students or parents of students who were not admitted will call to -
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond
1 of the 101 Quincy Market, Mike's Pastries, Giacomo's, yummm
In my last entry, I mentioned that I had a bunch of things I wanted ... at Mike's Pastry. Mike's Pastry is one of many bakeries and cafes in ... course of my time at MIT, I've had many treats from Mike's Pastry - but, as -
Blog / Admissions
Class of 2009 Numbers
had expected. More news on the yield and makeup of the class soon ... Class of 2009 14% admit rate. We received 10,443 applications and admitted 1495 of those students, making this the most selective year ever in -
Blog / Events
The State of Things Deflated, that about sums it up.
exploring of campus, I'm not sure my body can handle much more of this. Let me ... . I'm not really laying on my bed, I'm kind of shoved into it, feet ... prefrosh, Chris Mills, and told that he's leaving. I stumble out of bed -
Blog / Academics & Research
First Day of School Fall term classes began today at MIT.
Today was the first day of classes at MIT. Once again, the Infinite Corridor was abuzz with activity, people excited for the new year of classes. For the Class of 2011, these are their very first MIT classes. I only -
Blog / MIT Life
REXachusetts Institute of Technology your guide to the daily confusion
classes begin next week. But over the last week, the Class of 2026 arrived on campus for their orientation, of which one major component is Residential Exploration, or REX for short, which is part of how housing is assigned -
Blog / Admissions
End of term
While the period known as "End of term" certainly brings finals ... conclusion of a great semester. You've probably already heard about many of these, including the last 3.091 lecture (described here by Kevin), all of -
Blog / Events
A Couple of Firsts With a picture game
have gone on. Everyone’s so passionate about their posts, and all of us do a great job of describing life at MIT. They’re all creatively ... aspects of MIT. Then I noticed something that I had missed in my post -
Blog / Hacks
50 Years of NASA One small hack for MIT, one giant leap for NASA.
a hack! For those of you just tuning in, a "hack" at MIT is clever, elegant, and anonymous prank, designed to amuse and catch the attention of ... 'd expect, hacking is one of MIT's most celebrated traditions, and the actual -
Blog / Academics & Research
First day of classes What some MIT freshman schedules look like.
Yesterday was the first day of classes at MIT. I remember the ... like this: Some version of calculus Some version of physics Some version of chemistry A humanities, arts and social science (HASS) elective -
Blog / MIT Life
Out of Context Quoteboard SFW for the blogs, unfortunately
Some of you may recall Shuli's whiteboard post, and upon this whiteboard were a number of (SFW) out of context quotes. Well, as it happens, most living communities have some version of this exact whiteboard -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Invasion of the Stikmen Another invasion of MIT?
Some of you that frequent the blogs may remember that last year ... . At first, I thought it was just a random piece of trash.... but upon ... over the US! It's pretty awesome that we can find a set of these around