The Bubble Bath Disastrophe (and Other Adventures) Spring break: adventures and misadventures, coming home, and MIT on the Colbert Report—twice! by Lydia K. '14, MEng '16 April 3, 2012
The Last Day at Gymnasium Untergriesbach as part of the MIT-Germany Global Teaching Labs Program by MISTI Program March 12, 2012
Sigma ChIgloo MIT Fraternity brothers engineer a 10 foot igloo while relaxing in Maine by Gabe B. '13 March 6, 2012 23 comments
Travelogue: Part Une Trip to Bath and meeting an MIT professor thousands of miles away from MIT by Linh V. '13 February 16, 2012 3 comments
MIT-India student interns at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research by MISTI Program February 9, 2012 4 comments
Greetings from India: D-Lab Students in the Field D-Lab students Luke, Sydney, Jessica, Madhavan by OEL January 28, 2012 2 comments
Greetings from Cambodia: D-Lab students in the field Janet Li from D-Lab blogs from Cambodia by OEL January 25, 2012 2 comments
In the Darkness of the Night one of the strangest things I have ever experienced by Becca H. '12 January 24, 2012 1 comment
624 Hours: Columbia, MO or, Things I Made While I Was Home by Elizabeth Choe '13 January 19, 2012 10 comments
Greetings from Honduras: D-Lab students in the field D-Lab students Chelsie, Miho and Nina report from Honduras by OEL January 18, 2012 2 comments
Starting 2012 on a volcanic island bonfire! but no eruptions yet [photo-heavy] by Jenny X. '13 January 11, 2012 7 comments