setlists! ... hampshire retreat watched season 5 in one sitting, and then i watched seasons
graduated on June 5, the '14s graduated on June 6, and the '13s graduated on ... .05 Biochemistry as prereqs, which have 7.01x Intro Biology and 5.12 Organic Chemistry I as prereqs, which has 5.11x/3.091 Intro Chemistry as a prereq) and
up till 5 AM one night painting it. I am a very untalented artist, so I ... (I was taking ~6.5 classes, in class 9-5, and spent until 10 in office ... hunt, I gave them one of my hubcaps with "urs 5ever" written on it, and
wanting one.
I took a job 1.5 hours north of where I lived not long before ... 'd ordered in December and was now facing the prospect of waiting 5 months for ... drove up to Portland the next morning to pick up my new car. 5 months of
3-0-9, 5-0-7, etc.
There are also classes of a different number of ... range from 3 to 15+.
My schedule this semester consists of 5 classes and ... population. I take 5 HASS classes, rather than the “usual” 3-4 technicals and a
9:30AM-5:30PM: [redacted]
5:30PM: walk home in a daze of decisions ... cases
5PM-6PM: answer email, do stuff that needs to be done around the ... fall asleep
...and that's basically my life, 5-6 days a week, for much
a 5.13 at 11am. As we entered the 5.13 lecture hall, our costumed TA ... :// Seriously, every time one of the course 5 professors mentions R.B. Woodward, I ... interesting than psetting in my room.
At 5:57pm, I had no costume, having