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Blog / MISTI
“Choose Your Own Adventure” MISTI edition
them with 5 RMB (which is roughly $0.80). They help prevent -
Blog / How to Human
It isn’t what you know, it’s who you know The rules of the networking game
professional social network and is a good way to maintain a network Rule No. 5 -
Blog / Academics & Research
Lessons Learned in Lab Applicable to life.
chilling in a tube on its own. 5. Have an idea? Share it. One of the -
Blog / Academics & Research
They say you learn more by living abroad than by going to school
far from school 4) the apartment has no bed 5) current renters can -
Blog / Miscellaneous
Starbucks. I'm getting a little too familiar with it.
eavesdropped or anything. 4. Cute babies come here. A lot. 5. This Starbucks is -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Metropolis and the Alloy Orchestra "The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must be the Heart!"
[by Farre Nixon '11] Check out the Metropolis trailer! On Saturday, March 5, the Somerville Theatre was packed for a World Music Crash Arts event. There was a sold-out showing of Metropolis (1927) that I had the -
Blog / Academics & Research
Swag … I mean, Career Fair What I did not acquire at the career fair:A job.
What I acquired from the MIT Career fair last Thursday: 29 pens 21 mechanical pencils (16 mechanical, 5 wood) More than 10 flash drives 21 t-shirts 2 cell phone cleaning pads 15 LED flashlights 6 -
Blog / Academics & Research
A Preview of Things to Come too fast, too furious
schedule this semester, in case you are curious: 5.60 - Thermodynamics and ... manageable, rather than to extract a 5-page essay out of a single Roman coin ... his mouth, and the next 1.5 hours will disappear before your eyes -
Blog / Academics & Research
All Hail the Working People Living down the 40-hour work week.
begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. This would be -
Blog / Admissions
Battle of the Bands "Rock on and come to CPW!" ~ Thomas Jefferson"Chris, you made up that quote from…
. Plus your admission to the event lets you grab the LMC's CD for only $5 -
Blog / Extracurriculars
No Pain, No Gain I wish it weren't so.
This past Wednesday found me with blistered palms, swollen shoulders, throbbing arms, and various bruises that colorfully decorated my 5' 4'' frame. It would be somewhat forgivable if these minor wounds were a result of -
Blog / MIT Life
On Time That which I do not have.
always mean to return the favor. It's happened maybe once so far. 5. Bring -
Blog / IAP
My Entirely Unexciting IAP see title
San Francisco, where I'm spending the last 5 days of my IAP. I arrived -
Blog / Athletics
Start shaping up in January! I like.
@mit challenges teams of 5 to 8 people to log the most number of minutes exercised -
Blog / Life after MIT
Don’t Read This if you Already Go to MIT My life is good and I get plenty of sleep. Please don't hate me.
... The Official Employment Contract Case in point number 5: My classes -
Blog / Athletics
Always Moving Forward: An entry by Prof. Patrick Henry Winston MIT has the nation's leading running back in Division III football?!? And he's a Computer…
spreadsheet. Brown, a 5-8, 185-pound team captain, has rushed for more than 100 ... practice is every day between 5 and 7 p.m., a sacrosanct time on campus in ... -III leader with 156 academic All-Americans). "We're football players from 5 to -
Blog / Academics & Research
Turn around and pretend it wasn’t you Words of Wisdom
I am happy to report several things: 1) I no longer have swine flu 2) I am now 21 years of age 3) Spectrum wrote an article about me 4) The New York Times wrote an article about us 5) The Livescribe company blog -
Blog / MIT Life
SEPTEMBERRR Don't read this entry. Read the one under this one.
there." "I don't know, the F0.5 generation?" Tourist: (at Kendall -
Blog / Life after MIT
Three Things That Are Awesome (And have been keeping me from writing recently -- Sorry!)
the Master's degree as well as the Bachelor's in only 5 years. (If the