Blog / Events I’m still here. Promise. bought, among other things, 3.5 pounds of chicken (!!), and made paella. It by Laura N. '09 January 22, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Burning questions A lot of people had questions! bigger.) 5. Tristan was concerned about the showers at MIT (hey, you and by Mollie B. '06 January 21, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research The land of the free and the home of the internet Back to life, back to the internet through the monsoon. Sometimes I'm not sure if he and I are related. 5 by Mollie B. '06 January 9, 2006
Blog / MIT Life Photojournalism and answers to some questions . 5. Christina asked how familiar I am with the AAAS. I am a member by Mollie B. '06 December 9, 2005
Blog / Admissions From The Midst Of Selection A recount of EA selection committee. : Mexican food, delivered.) Monday 12/5: We start again. There is blood by Ben Jones December 5, 2005
Blog / Events December Events Clinic for Students! WHEN? Monday (THIS WEEK!), 12/5, 11:30-2:00pm WHERE by Mitra L. '07 December 3, 2005
Blog / Admissions Random notes A mystery solved, an updated blog list, and a handful of questions answers. a new character from the video game Dynasty Warriors 5 for PS2. Her by Matt McGann '00 November 29, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Back in Cambridge I less than three the holidays. movie) and crash into bed early (that 5/3 of a day thing I talked about by Mollie B. '06 November 26, 2005
Blog / MIT Life What’s going on inside my head It might not have been so very important. . 5. MIT has posted the spring class schedule! This is like Christmas by Sam M. '07 November 7, 2005
Blog / Admissions Ben’s Third Semi-Annual Q&A More answers to your questions. , not to one of its 5 schools. ------------------------ Zack Yang wrote by Ben Jones November 2, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Small talk How about that weather? interested in playing football at MIT. Are football practices from 5-7 as well by Laura N. '09 October 30, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Yes, eat all our shirts! See MIT through the eyes of my prefrosh. introduction to chemistry for, say, a chemical engineering major, usually take 5 by Sam M. '07 October 22, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research A lot about course 9 Prof. Wolfe gets about a 6.5 (also out of 7). 9 by Mollie B. '06 October 17, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Nobel Prize Week An exciting time for research, both noble and ignoble. professor. In fact, he usually teaches 5.03: Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by Matt McGann '00 October 5, 2005
Blog / Admissions Fall Travel Day 7: Philly Part 4 of my Fall Travelogue. it. My 5-year-old Pontiac Grand Am and I are feeling more secure on the by Ben Jones September 26, 2005
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Three cheers for the MIT Marching Band Is the band ready? You bet they are. , and not too shabby at the high-flying stunts either. 5. Heckler: "Hey by Sam M. '07 September 24, 2005
Blog / MIT History & Culture Varied states of the basement A roundabout trek to an underground level of Building 7 leads me into areas very… elevator, capacity 5,000 pounds... and the "Alfred Henry and Jean Morrison by Anthony R. '09 September 20, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Questionable Views Questions and views, and questions about views. The views are not necessarily questionable, although you… It's Q&A time! Ajit asked: "who is the person in the 5th picture from top.roommate?i have few questions- many students(UG) share a room in the halls/dorms generally? 2.are there different halls for boys by Laura N. '09 September 18, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Double diplomas The only thing better than one MIT degree is TWO MIT degrees! credit, you have to average 60 units (5 classes) per term. This probably by Mollie B. '06 September 12, 2005
Blog / Admissions Typhoon, Wedding Highlights from my trip to Asia. : check out the back of a US$5 and you'll find Daniel Chester French 1871's by Matt McGann '00 August 14, 2005