Blog / Admissions The Other CPW CPW guest entry by Sam Range '13 inspired Divya '13 to create this masterpiece. Sunday, 3-5am Chair Racing by Bryan May 1, 2009
Blog / Admissions My MIT Story How I came to be at MIT I3 video AGAIN!" Graduation from high school was one of the best by Snively '11 July 28, 2008
Blog / Miscellaneous Hodge-Podge Random things from a random guy. include: This song, 8 seconds in, This one at 4:15 and this one at 11:30 3 by Snively '11 July 14, 2008
Blog / MIT Life Eleven "And the award for 'least creative entry title ever' goes to..." sometimes. 3. When my dad mailed me my phone and ID, he also mailed me an by Karen F. '11 May 20, 2008
Blog / Admissions CPW 2008 – Another Highly Satisfied Customer! (Guest Entry) CPW! Meet the Bloggers! Free t-shirts! Tim the Beaver! Exclamation points! !” and I walked around feeling victorious. 3) Walking on the Harvard by Paul B. '11 April 19, 2008
Blog / Events Fun in NYC Part 1 Never be afraid to go straight to the top. great for Toy Design! 3) Monday is a holiday, I could go then! 4) I need a by Snively '11 February 23, 2008
Blog / Events Fun in NYC Part 2 Hold on, this is a long one. Tons of pictures though! want one. This is Kevin Stafford, the marketing guy, riding one. From 3 by Snively '11 February 23, 2008
Blog / Events A Break from Break I went to the Undergraduate Women in Physics Conference at Yale. And I'm blogging about… like more walking outside than I'd done in 3 years. Don't ever let anyone by Lulu L. '09 January 22, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research What Do These Numbers Have in Common? 7, 8, 12, 17, 18. the largest GIR by sheer size (although 3.091 - Professor Sadoway by Chris S. '11 December 13, 2007
Blog / Admissions Houston-area Suburbia kid Makes Trek to MIT Campus Preview Weekend with Mother By: Kevin, '11 listen to whatever random story came to my mind while waiting to play 3D by Bryan April 22, 2007
Blog / Admissions The return of Questions Omnibus It's time to answer your questions... ' activities at CPW--do their activities span all 3/4 days? or do most parents by Matt McGann '00 March 21, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Sunny Skies In The OC [by Mirat Shah '08] A new post, and answers to your questions from the last… . [] One of my favorite things about MIT is my major (Course 3- Materials by Cambridge February 15, 2007
Blog / Admissions Questions Answered Questions, answers, and Sam's face. This is the real MIT. , more questions! Kelsey K queries: Only 3 Oregon kids?!?!?! That kind of by Jess K. '10 February 11, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research The good advice The many different flavors of advising at MIT. were admitted RD. :) 3. Ying Wei wrote, i wonder that if i manage to get by Mollie B. '06 August 9, 2006
Blog / Admissions Crazy admissions stories A story about craziness from both sides of the college admissions process. ; Student Aid Volume 52, Issue 44, Page B3 by Matt McGann '00 July 5, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Four years, four summers The stuff I've been up to every summer at MIT. ! 3. Risa asked, do upperclassmen collaborate as much on homework as by Mollie B. '06 June 14, 2006
Blog / MIT Life Senioritis We'd fight for a cure if we weren't so lazy. or domestic anymore, they're just MIT students. 3. Dimitri ('10 by Mollie B. '06 May 2, 2006
Blog / Admissions Ben’s Sixth Semi-Annual Q&A Answers to questions received through 2PM on 12/22/05. ACT (and my 3rd SAT2) scores into consideration? Or the ACT scores haven by Ben Jones December 22, 2005
Blog / Hacks Tricky Questions A follow-up entry to answer all of the 50 million comments I got about the… '79, and it went unnoticed for 3 months. That's a great point. Jack by Laura N. '09 December 20, 2005
Blog / Admissions November Questions Omnibus 1 As usual, Q & A. month but the rep canceled. I know at least 3 people who are intested in by Matt McGann '00 November 2, 2005