Blog / MIT Life Construction Thoughts on a major. creating things in the mechanical realm, as a choice of course 2 for my major by Cam T. '13 December 26, 2009
Blog / Academics & Research In which brains are awesome Neener neener neener. IMPORTANT PERSON I AM INTIMIDATED BY YOU 2) HOLY CRAP THAT IS A GOLDEN by Keri G. '10 October 2, 2009
Blog / MIT Life Comments-ment Webcast A few comments on the past week. horizon at 2 AM brighter than hospital-white computer screens blinking at by Yan Z. '12 June 5, 2009
Blog / Events Leadership Training Institute My first guest blog! concept, and I feel like LTI had really blossomed over the last 2 years by Chris S. '11 April 14, 2009
Blog / Academics & Research Decide my major! Because putting your future up for a democratic vote is clearly the way to go. next week when she meets with her advisor! THE CONTENDERS: Course 2 by Shannon M. '12 April 2, 2009
Blog / MIT History & Culture College The path to self-discovery is lined with my blog entries. 10 at noon, bird's-eye view from the 2nd floor. If you show up early to by Yan Z. '12 March 21, 2009
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Just a Yellow Lemon Tree… I wrote a rap song for you. , I produced... (click on the image!) 2. Random Daily Life by Chris S. '11 March 11, 2009
Blog / Academics & Research The rest of my life is a black hole. But not the fascinating kind that's the topic of extensive astrophysical… recently showcased technology, fog harvesting. 2.722: D-Lab Hydropowered by Laura N. '09 February 24, 2009
Blog / MIT History & Culture The 2011 Brass Rat! Can I turn this in in lieu of my blank lab report for tomorrow? class in three occasions: 1) Frosh Orientation Picture, 2) Ring Premiere ... twice a week for about 2-3 hours each time - sometimes more, sometimes ... ways during the whole process. 2. What was the timeline for the creation by Chris S. '11 February 9, 2009
Blog / Events Working at a Toy Company! I promise you, my job was cooler than yours. and managed a 2nd place! We frantically fixed our axle and wheels by Snively '11 January 6, 2009
Blog / Academics & Research Introduction to D-Lab Saving the world - just one of the many things you can do at MIT. -Lab: surviving on $2 a day - the typical living income for a Third World country by Paul B. '11 October 15, 2008
Blog / Miscellaneous Alcohol in College: Scotland and the US An MIT student from Scotland compares alcohol culture in the US and the UK in… discount vodka shots in the union bars of Britain, I was 2,000 miles away by Matt McGann '00 June 22, 2008
Blog / Challenges Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Time may change me, but I can't trace time.. , which is even later than MIT - Friday, 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM - and so while by Jess K. '10 May 28, 2008
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Neil Gaiman! The uncensored version =P ...Yeah. I really liked the pre-arranged interview format. 2. I went to the by Karen F. '11 May 24, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Life and Learning in the Other Cambridge at MIT (with courses 2 and 6 maybe as exceptions), but it reinforces by Cambridge May 8, 2008
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Mens et Manus: Building a Camera at the Hobby Shop [by Biyeun Buczyk '10] If you have an idea, you can build it. note about the alternative photography gig: The Wiesner Gallery (2nd by ARTalk May 6, 2008
Blog / Admissions Short, Sweet, and to the Point: MIT in five senses or less (Guest Entry) Hear, See, Touch, Smell, and Taste MIT killin’ Logarhythms). 2. Smell What could a man possibly talk about by Bryan April 21, 2008
Blog / Admissions The First Four Days of the Next Four Years (Guest Entry) "STUDY. SLEEP. PARTY….pick two" ) I didn't get to any events across the river 2) I didn't spend much by Bryan April 17, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research How hard is it, really? Let down hard (2.001, 8.02, 18.03, etc) but I can do them if I put in the work by Snively '11 April 9, 2008
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond Your MIT ID PLASTIC! Shiny plastic, at that! gets me into the Media Lab and when I declare Course 2 it’ll get me into by Snively '11 March 26, 2008