You’ve probably heard the oft-repeated MIT adage about having to choose two between school, a social life, and sleep. I tend to think that there’s a way to balance the…
IAP (Independent Activities Period) is a really neat time at MIT, because you get to see where all the creative energy of the student body goes when it’s not tied…
This was my summer of new. Capital S, capital N. Definition: Going out of my way to do, see and experience things that I’ve never done, seen, or experienced before. I got a new job, worked part time in a
Scatterred throughout the years are probably dozens of blog entries which begin with my eternal apologies for their lateness, and the fact that I haven’t blogged in “forever.” (The earlier…
Responses to comments: Sam said: Laura, I can’t make my lab printer duplex. Can you come fix it? No. Anonymous said: SOMEWHERE… there’s a photo of a Burton-Conner room also…
In my last entry, Meagan said, “Anyways, could you please do an entry on some of colloquialisms that you are learning? That would be awesome. :]” Yeah, sooooo, I’d love…
Machine Shops, Part 2 In case you haven’t read it: Machine Shops, Part 1 There are a lot of machine shops on campus, so in my massive efforts to document…
Yes, I’m alive. Yes, I haven’t blogged since JULY. I know, I’m a horrible person. Please don’t tell me about it, because I already know, and I feel awful about…
Yikes! It’s been a month since I last wrote to you guys. In the intervening time, I have accumulated like 5 entries worth of photos and stories- which will be…
Friday evening was the unveiling of the Class of 2009 Brass Rat. Ring Premiere, as its called, is one of the largest milestones of the MIT undergrad experience. A lot…
Wow. The last few days have been absolutely insane. You see, once I found out that all of my finals were crammed into the first two days of finals week,…
So I suck at life and haven’t blogged in FOREVER. =( But! I’m making up for it by putting tons of effort into this much-anticipated virtual tour of Burton-Conner. Seriously.…