Blog / About Decisions Welcome to MIT, Class of 2012 Welcome home. students are when checking their decisions (i.e., me), it'd be much more by Paul B. '11 March 18, 2008
Blog / About Decisions Pie No, not pi. against you :p) (enjoy that jab while you can, I will probably get an e by Snively '11 March 17, 2008
Blog / MIT Life Moving Out oooh, I am, moving out, mmhmm.. measures i.e. Hot in Herre on the acoustic guitar), to a tea party, to a by Jess K. '10 February 15, 2008
Blog / MIT Life Hot Dogs Or, how I fail at eating hot dogs. not. The e-mail went out Saturday: So Spike's Junkyard Dogs (http by Snively '11 February 10, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Behold, a day job! Still with ultra-short travel time! of E.coli - "Express my f***ing protein! EXPRESS! Don't make me have to by Keri G. '10 January 22, 2008
Blog / Challenges At What Cost A summary of my fall semester second degree on time. A pretty good understanding of E&M and cellular by Derrick B. '08 December 21, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Getting a Physics Major – Part I I split this up because i need to start studying for finals. calc Freshman Spring: 8.02(2) (GIR) - e&m 18.03 - diff eq (most by Lulu L. '09 December 14, 2007
Blog / Admissions The Next Generation Of College Campus Tours? My interview with Michael Epstein '04, covering his MIT experience and the genesis of his… always have a really cool card in the hole. I.e., a theoretical by Ben Jones October 31, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Interview with Hanhan Wang: EECS, robots, and more! What it’s like to study electrical engineering and computer science at MIT ;Headers,” which are advanced classes (e.g. 6.011, Introduction to by Melis A. '08 May 13, 2007
Blog / Admissions Drinking from the Firehose By: Teresa, '11 to find Terminal E, and jet lagged. By that night, I was bouncing with by Bryan April 24, 2007
Blog / MIT Life A Day in the Life A play-by-play of my day, along with some pictures. manipulate E. coli DNA, sequence genes, and purify proteins as part of this lab by Melis A. '08 April 11, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research This one goes out to the parent Fire! (she's comin' down on her own, now) MIT. So I got this e-mail this morning from my 10.491: Integrated by Sam M. '07 March 15, 2007
Blog / Events 1 Month, 0 Classes IAP tomorrow and an opportunity to mystery hunt! expand their operatic horizons. Contact: Steve Michaels, E38-400, x8 by Bryan January 7, 2007
Blog / Admissions Admissions process reflections from a crusty Junior Try not to bite all of your fingernails off. attack (i.e. stay off of College Confidential!) Really, stressing out won by Melis A. '08 December 5, 2006
Blog / MIT History & Culture Conditioner For My Face "The dot product is the solution to all the problems of the universe. Even the… run through a wire. Eric --> Eric+ + e-." "Now we're going to move by Jess K. '10 November 18, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Photographic evidence Warning: trig ahead. a re[s]pon[s]e to thi[s] pot, but rather a concern regarding the by Laura N. '09 November 10, 2006
Blog / Events Flavor of Love As a wise woman once said, "Free is my favorite flavor." is really incomplete without one. We even have a [email protected] e by Sam M. '07 September 21, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Lit Analytics How humanities classes can be analytically rigorous, courtesy of a Shakespeare scholar and take.... Henderson noted in a recent e-mail, "My interest in the by Mitra L. '07 September 17, 2006
Blog / Admissions Reno/Sacramento wrap-up The latest from the West Coast. air ballons. There was even a beaver named Bud E. Beaver (TIM the Beaver by Matt McGann '00 September 10, 2006
Blog / Admissions I don’t know where we’re going ...but we're following my map of MIT's campus. west of Mass Ave, N is north of Vassar St, and E is east of Ames Street by Sam M. '07 September 9, 2006