the giant screens:
....and the thousands of people getting psyched 2 ... . Besides, there are these 2 huge towers in the plaza that should be visible ... maps, you are about to enjoy a 2.2 km tour of the party through Madrid
samples, wait.
2:00:00 - Take sample from first reaction.
2:00:30 - Take sample from second reaction.
2:01:00 - Take sample from third reaction ... 'll be wild. Some might even call it a wild, wild, party.
It's almost 2
Happy holidays from the admissions office!
I'll be leaving in a bit for a week of vacation (YES!) - back on January 2. I hope you all have wonderful holiday vacations, and here's to a great 2007!
I'll leave you with
Course 2A, which means that I am taking the core Mechanical Engineering classes (Course 2) and filling in the rest of my schedule with classes in my ... time, I'm not taking any Course 2 classes, except I guess Thermodynamics
For those of you who are closely following the Doonesbury comic strip story... (brush up by checking out Matt's entry #1, entry #2, and entry #3 on it), Alex Doonesbury is officially going to MIT! Look out for
: chemistry and physics
---10 minute break---
2) Verbal Reasoning: exactly the ... 19, so until then I have the pleasure of going to 2 1/2 hours of class ... the following classes:
1. Intro Biology (7.012 or 7.013 or 7.014)