Blog / Athletics Gettin’ Fancy Two formal events in two days? , the (almost entire) foil squad, 5/6 of women’s foil (self by Ceri Riley '16 May 3, 2014
Blog / Athletics There’s No “I” in Team There's also no "Tennis" or "Senior Day", but that won't stop me from writing about… freshman orientation was in full swing. Practice is a daily affair from 5 by Krystal L. '17 May 1, 2014
Blog / Admissions CPW 2014…The Parent Edition Suggestions for getting the most out of CPW when you are a parent Alumni on Friday night at 5:00 pm in Walker Memorial. Sponsored by the MIT by Kim Hunter '86 April 9, 2014
Blog / Events How I Spent My Sophomore Spring Break I didn't go to Florida or Cancun, but I still had a lot of fun! -Wednesday from 9am-5pm, so it did get a bit tiring, but the coordinators surely by Rachel D. '16 April 6, 2014
Blog / Academics & Research Out There kicking off spring break with some Chinese food, some anime, and some media studies pasted on the side of a bus. Having a dedicated 5+ hours/week to really by Allan K. '17 March 22, 2014
Blog / Academics & Research 2 Classes For 0 Credit: Beethoven to Mahler and Paradise Lost That can be rearranged to say: Paradise lost to Beethoven and Mahler. Hell of Heaven." (254-5) by Anna H. '14 February 17, 2014
Blog / MIT Life 2014 Resolutions January 2nd and still going strong went from training 3 times a week to 5 times a week, earning my green by Erick P. '17 January 2, 2014
Blog / Events Stop and Smell the Seasons Before it's winter and your nose is so numb you can't smell anything. anything to a maze and it would work. Freshman year. Life. Problem number 5 by Krystal L. '17 November 3, 2013
Blog / Personal Travel Vertigo My brain hurts. populations of 5.3 and 8.2 million people respectively, so Hot Springs seemed by Anna H. '14 October 28, 2013
Blog / How to MIT Deadlines and Habits Staying sane accidentally ran four miles (I thought it was 2.5, until I Google mapped the by Anna H. '14 October 19, 2013
Blog / How to Human “There is No Place Like Home” ...especially when you are a long way from home my first 5K last year with two sisters and a member of one of our by Kim Hunter '86 July 12, 2013
Blog / Admissions CPW 2013…The Parent Experience! . Parent Reception with Parent Connectors and Alumni on Friday night at 5 by Kim Hunter '86 April 10, 2013
Blog / Events Consilience From college essays to a Medieval Studies @ MIT Colloquium middle of our Middle English quiz. At 5:30pm, I followed Professor Bahr by Anna H. '14 March 7, 2013
Blog / Academics & Research Premed and Me (frankly speaking) MIT is hard, but MIT premed doesn't have to suck. Here's why. the basis of at least 2-5 points on a test or exam, or whoever pulled by Emad T. '14 January 29, 2013
Blog / Academics & Research Class Crossover Using engineering leadership while stuck on the wrong side of the internet week? You could divide the 5 days of the engineering leadership class by Stanley G. January 20, 2013
Blog / MIT Life MIT campus lost power! Updates from a blacked-out physics colloquium. semester, so HOORAY! it really only 5pm? aaand an e-mail just came by Anna H. '14 November 29, 2012
Blog / MIT Life Better Late than Never I wrote this post a week and a half ago. Note that the "better late… confused at high speed than standing still for weeks on end. My 5 by Natasha B. '16 September 15, 2012
Blog / MIT Life The Hardest Thing Ever FOP, family, and how I'm doing so far... plus some findings on frisbee and free… . 5. Real world stuff. I want to get off campus sometimes, make outside by Natasha B. '16 September 4, 2012
Blog / Events Adventure’s Out There….. in Boston! Summer shenanigans at MIT semester was a total blur. In some ways, I did it wrong. 5 classes and a UROP by Kirsten L. '15 July 20, 2012
Blog / Life after MIT Take Only Memories Leave Only Footprints me: #5: Understand the true meaning of IHTFP. The five letters of by Maggie L. '12 June 8, 2012