Blog / Events The Tale of a Frosh once upon a cold November Course 18 Option 3 (Theoretical Mathematics) was “The One.” Now, so much by Yuliya K. '18 November 30, 2014
Blog / Athletics Miscellany In which I talk about my life and Fancy sportsball DNA folk songs Neil Gaiman's words elsewhere on the internet). 3) Fancy DNA My by Ceri Riley '16 November 22, 2014
Blog / Challenges This Post Has a Happy Ending dealing with obstacles @ MIT leave this semester,” the S^3 Dean suggested instead. I was stunned by Yuliya K. '18 October 30, 2014
Blog / Events Family Weekend 2014 family weekend 2014, day 1 and how I had fun I've been so busy. It's 3:23 am and this is my free time. Well, not really free time. I COULD be studying for my 8.02 exam on Monday morning but instead I'm catching on all of my blog post writing by Erick P. '17 October 25, 2014
Blog / Events A Typical Friday Afternoon on a Thursday Honoring the decades old (?) tradition of the East Campus Friday Afternoon Club (FAC) FAC to him. Ever see the movie Hook? Part 3: The FAC East Campusers by Rachel D. '16 September 29, 2014
Blog / Academics & Research What it’s like to work at NASA and a few other things -blowingly incredible sushi I've ever had: I had to wait almost 3 hours at the Tsukiji by Michael C. '16 September 1, 2014
Blog / MIT Life The Sorting of the Frosh (MacGregor Style) We don't have a Sorting Hat, but this is how MacGregor does In-House Rush , you receive another wave of information including the i3 videos made by by Ceri Riley '16 August 24, 2014
Blog / Events Happy Birthday, ‘Murica! (Even though Boston celebrated Independence Day Eve) measure. In response to this announcement, MIT officially closed at 3pm by Ceri Riley '16 July 4, 2014
Blog / MIT Life What are French House residents doing this summer? Round 2 Microsoft, brains, British accents, hiking in the Alps, weightlifting, HIMYM . It took us 3 hours to hike here, but my Grenoblois friends were by Anna H. '14 June 30, 2014
Blog / Personal Travel A bear encounter and a wild cow-milking contest Summer adventures glowing red dials. We looked at M3 (a globular cluster), Saturn (we could by Anna H. '14 June 24, 2014
Blog / Athletics Adventures on the Charles Aka we go outdoors sometimes pictures because all 3 hours were spent either assembling the boards or on by Ceri Riley '16 June 15, 2014
Blog / Life after MIT Life After (and During) MIT Greetings from beautiful adulthood working on the eloquence aspect of adulthood. We just launched the first 3 by Elizabeth Choe '13 May 28, 2014
Blog / IAP Teaching Abroad: a Guest Blog Post by Elizabeth Q. ‘14 Learn a new language, teach science. topics ranging from 3D printing to music groups at MIT to yes, teaching by Anna H. '14 April 13, 2014
Blog / Admissions Spot the Blogger where you'll find bloggers during CPW, and some bonus tips! - there are great events that are often a shuttle ride away. 3) You can by Connie H. '15 April 9, 2014
Blog / How to Human 10 Lessons #IAP #Italy #LearningByTeaching #wow #Pi(e)DayCountdown . 3. However little time there is, use it. For example, in learning a by Anastassia B. '16 March 11, 2014
Blog / About Decisions Preparing for Pi Day MIT decisions come out this Friday: what to do between now and then... maneuver and odds are you're not a very popular person for it. 3. Stay Off by Allan K. '17 March 10, 2014
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Astronomy in Paradise Lost I can't resist. smallest magnitude close by the moon." (II.1051-3) I'm not sure what Milton by Anna H. '14 February 27, 2014
Blog / MIT History & Culture The Punt Puzzle A collaborative affair 7654321400987654321324987654321259876543211698765432181987654321361987654 3211969876543212259876543219 PART 3 PART 4 Memes, the cultural by Vincent A. '17 February 25, 2014
Blog / Academics & Research The Polar Vortex or my third IAP, and how externships work and easy way to expose yourself to tons of new material. 3. Tell a good by Connie H. '15 February 16, 2014
Blog / Personal Travel Day 0: from DC to Quito A rough morning, a long nap, and a kindly neighbor asleep until 3am (you know that post-essay adrenaline rush?) and couldn by Anna H. '14 February 4, 2014