Blog / MIT Life Recycle, Reuse, (Map) Reduce? Jackpot, baby! university, and I obtained these twenty two computers the other day; if I by Cam T. '13 June 10, 2011
Blog / Uncategorized Sacred Space and why it matters to unplug once in awhile time when other universities are replacing their dedicated LGBT groups in by Kris Guay April 11, 2011
Blog / Academics & Research A Cacophony of Coats Also, my courseload for this term! ". The universally loved Tony Eng designed the course to reprogram by Rachel F. '12 February 10, 2011
Blog / Extracurriculars Survey says… A LOT of freshmen report that they were leaders in high school! Zimbabwe whom he met at Oxford University. Ed invited the grad student to by Maggie L. '12 January 25, 2011
Blog / Athletics Row, row, row your boat aka varsity sports at MIT entered university. Even if you think you are not athletic enough, or are by Becca H. '12 September 27, 2010
Blog / Academics & Research Art Imitating Art well, at least blogs. design at neighboring Northeastern University - just sent me this Kotaku by Chris Peterson SM '13 September 5, 2010
Blog / MIT History & Culture Senior Survey (Says?) (For the record, I think that being on Family Feud would be totally awesome) , be specific about how your college or university contributed to these by Keri G. '10 March 3, 2010
Blog / MIT Life Days Without a Laptop… i need laptop-rehab university in the US - perhaps even the world. i usually can get MIT signal in by Chris S. '11 February 22, 2010
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Rambax MIT On Rambax, MIT's one and only Senegalese drumming ensemble. Also known as MIT's best Senegalese… the greatest benefits of coming to a university like MIT is that it by Jess K. '10 January 6, 2010
Blog / Admissions Going Social Thinking about MIT Admissions and social media. the crowdsourced Web 2.0 blogosphere networked public buzzword universe by Chris Peterson SM '13 October 14, 2009
Blog / MIT History & Culture TLM The Land of MIT. It's a planet. called the University Endowment, but the students really take initiative by Marcela R. '13 October 3, 2009
Blog / Admissions CPW Photograph-athon Because anything can be a catchy title if you add -athon to the end! other universities as frequently as possible. Enjoy! /further ado by Yan Z. '12 April 29, 2009
Blog / Challenges Sick of Being Sick On being sick at MIT. sick. Either my professor does actually read my blog, or the universe by Jess K. '10 September 22, 2008
Blog / MIT Life A Week in the Life: Optimism Edition In which I have a particularly tough, enriching week. University. Our studio class met at the T station to visit the site for our by Cristen C. '10 September 18, 2008
Blog / MIT Life If strangers meet life begins you shall above all things be glad and young ? IV. As my friends know, I'm a pretty big fan of the University of by Paul B. '11 August 23, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Can You Save the World’s Oceans? Who, me? Yes, you. political will to do it." -Professor Boris Worm, Dalhousie University by Chris S. '11 December 8, 2007
Blog / IAP A truly independent activities period A glimpse at some MIT students' IAP plans. time for women to devote to other enterprises), and the universal nut by Melis A. '08 December 7, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Global Poverty: ‘This Is Our Crisis’ People lead busy lives, and fighting poverty is hardly an extracurricular activity to which most… It was about three weeks ago that I found myself standing outside the doors to Boston University’s Metcalf Hall. Along with the hundreds of others who were in line, I anxiously awaited the chance to hear by The Humanitarian Blog October 31, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Hit in the Face: A Snively GuestBlog Snively's point of view. Only this time it's actually his point of view, and not… world’s largest fire hose . . . ever . . . in the world . . . /universe by Laura N. '09 September 14, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Don’t feed the squirrels In which I work with gifted children. Spectrum duty desk in the lobby of McCulloch Hall at Northwestern University by Keri G. '10 July 5, 2007