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Blog / Best of the Blogs
Adulthood Boom!
Sorry if this is just a rehash of my Grown Up post from last year. January seems to be the month to be sentimental and reflect upon the impending doom delightful adventure of aging. -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Class of 2020 Ring Premiere! from two perspectives
Written by Danny The Brass Rat is one of MIT’s most iconic symbols ... one of those events that all sophomores look forward to. During the actual event, the Ring Committee reveals the designs of our class year -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
The end of a chapter
my year abroad and now, I can’t take some of the classes I really want ... :( Studying in Cambridge is a great experience. On the top of my favorite-things-in-Cambridge list are actually the courses (Tripos) I took, which consist of -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
The rise and fall of CPW all the cpw history, plus proof the weather machine is fake
people sent lots of messages. Trinidad, one of the admissions directors ... reading old issues of The Tech, MIT's student paper. Soon enough, I found ... sure to note which is which. We'll continue the convention of "now -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Beacon Hill in the Fall More door.
Northeast of the more frequently mentioned Harvard Bridge is the Longfellow Bridge, which connects MIT to Boston from the Stata Center side of ... is behind us, the Charles River is below us, and Boston is in front of -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
SHASS Hack feminist hacktivism
few comments from members of SHASS. Before the area was hacked, the ... with the values inherent in the choices of this display and are recreating it to better reflect the diverse departments and people of SHASS -
Blog / Academics & Research
Shiny Circuits Shiny, in some subcultures at MIT, means REALLY AWESOME
the life of an MIT student, my pictures are not about my life as an MIT ... Fall). That's because most of the things I'm doing now as an MIT student ... one of those classes that reminds students why they came to MIT in the -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
A Mischievous Anniversary Tonight Four score and ten years ago...
dormitory on campus—the Class of 1893 Dormitory—which had opened ... ," the Faculty Houses. The dorm's name of '93 would last for ... built just to the west. In February of 1931, the buildings would be -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
MIT Gangnam Style Yes...........this exists.
, and now has the third most views on all of Youtube. 560,719,326 views ... the rest of this post to make sense, you should probably catch up ... an MIT Gangnam Style. At the beginning of October, I started seeing -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
A Brief History of Cars on Fire at MIT You didn't think I would miss an anniversary, did you?
If you're the kind of person who remembers to look up once in a ... of one or more of the people in this photo: Why those people ... the side of Goodale (the northeast corner of East Campus):   -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
9000 Words This post doesn't have 'em.
something to my cello case while I was out of the room. G) My hallmates and I have taken to sitting out in the hall. This is one of our handful of ... the 3AB goobers, had his first fencing tournament of the year the day -
Blog / Academics & Research
The joys of web development or: how i learned to stop worrying and love the web
short answer is that I discovered the joys of web development. The long ... the past two years, in order of when they happened. Of course, these are ... 's technically full-stack development, but most of the problems I dealt with were -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Classes, by the Group Chats and their potential replacement, Interstellar!
At the start of each semester, I typically join Facebook Messenger ... fall! Interstellar was created by four students in the class of 2022 ... Canvas, so Stellar might be in the procss of getting phased out. Regardless -
Blog / Admissions
The Room(s) Where It Happens You've hit submit. What Comes Next?
I read every single part of your application. We synthesize the ... world. Many of us read at home 5-6 days of the week throughout November ... . Actual footage of the inside of my brain during reading season Then, we -
Blog / Academics & Research
Mostly Harmless Rifle. As in, the phys ed class. As in, I fired one.
technique used to reproduce the layout of colonies on one petri plate on a ... the agar. You wrap a piece of cloth around a cylindrical block and mash ... not only your experiment, but also the lives of millions of bacteria -
Blog / Academics & Research
Hilbert’s Third Problem (A Story of Threes) Holy mathematics, Batman! Math at MIT, and why we need calculus to define volume.
-M, where the M means it’s within my major) seminars I need to take as part of ... -sets; sometimes there are not. At the end of the semester we write in-depth explorations of the topics of our final presentations. In 18.304, I got to -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
This Blog Post is a Bad Idea Not blogging for several months... that was also a Bad Idea.
Talbot, the large common room of East Campus, the only two females ... for the celebration and creation of very bad ideas. But since it was the first event of the weekend, I went into the wings eating contest with a -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
From the other side of grad school Trust me, I'm a doctor
“He touched the brim of his hard hat and glanced back at the dome ... that sounded like the first syllable or two of “congratulations,” so he ... that the road ended so abruptly -- a two-hour Zoom call at the end of a