absolutely no insight to "go to page 92" or "r = rad 3/4."
II. I Don ... would be the first of two trips to the ER.
V. 3.091
I think I ... that I could take a 3.091 test. Don't ask me what it means.
that detects faces. Raymond CADed the parts up and they used Emma's 3D ... ="60228" image3="60229" /]
It's been pretty cool to see their project evolve.
Emma ... when they sleep (usually 3 or 4am) and it's been really cool watching
until the end of summer with the potential to continue in fall.
2:30-3 ... be.
I had an advising appointment with the Director of Sloan to ... intended double major + minor later.
A break that I used to
="50491" image3="50490" image4="50489" image5="50488" image6="50487" image7 ... of 9 externs at Brain Power, 3 in Web Development, 3 in Product Management, and 3 in Unity Development. I was on the Unity team, and loved it
It will usually be a meme but maybe I'll find an article or something idk.
Thanks Jessie for this idea
The secret is... there's not really a secret. Just some tips.
0:18 A lil' bit about me
0:36 Why you DON'T need to stress out
1:21 What "being yourself" means
3:47 The "what do you do for fun?" essay
4:37 The "what do
numbers seems unintuitive. Buildings 3 and 4 should be next to each other ... building route sequence would be 7, 5, 1, 3, 4, 2, 14. If you're not an MIT ... addition, you'd know that the tour probably crossed Killian Court between 3
super fun.
For non-sailors:
Team racing is 3v3 and the aim is for your ... your finish results are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place (totaling 9 points) and the other team finishes 1st, 5th, and 6th (totaling 12 points)). All 3
MIT milestones often have something to do with 3.14159...
7 years ago on 3/14 around 2 p.m. I found out I got into MIT.
And now, after all ... attend a reunion named after Pi (that is a class reunion 3.14-ish years
3D Systems, The Coca-Cola Company, and will.i.am, who are providing more than 1,500 3D printers and kits as part of a drive to ensure that all 3,000 FIRST Robotics Teams have access to 3D printing equipment
Neutrality, and Complexity Theory
Week 3: Independent Video Games, X-Men, and ... take the same stance!
There are few weeks of the year that makes a gamer more excited than E3. Every year we listen to cringe worthy speeches