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Blog / MIT Life
A Re-Introduction of Sorts Hi, my name is Bryan.
1: Arrive. Step 2: Do. Step 3: Graduate. Simply said, not easily done -
Blog / Admissions
A Preview Of My Summer Project Screenshots of the new admissions site.
the blogs too!). IMAGE #3: One of my favorite things about the new -
Blog / Admissions
Solicitation You've got questions. I'll have answers tomorrow night.
to Harvard Square for ice cream tonight. 3. I'm not feeling -
Blog / How to MIT
The Ultimate Showdown Making important college purchase #1
The Ultimate Showdown The Laptop vs. The Desktop So you're about to head off to college, and you're thinking to yourself, do I need a laptop or a desktop? I too faced the same question 3 years ago, and thus -
Blog / Miscellaneous
World Cup Final in Boston An MIT- and Boston-centric look at the Italian victory.
ordinary ash3 About the Hanover Street celebrations, the Boston Globe -
Blog / Admissions
Next Big Mailing is out Choosing your email address, and more.
must choose a username that is between 3 and 8 characters. Choose a -
Blog / Admissions
Class of 2010 Roll Call It's May 1st -- welcome to MIT!
four years together, too. (I hope you'll stop by 3-107 from time to time -
Blog / Events
The Secret Life Of Marilee Jones Sam is the funniest, though... BOTB and CPW Feedback.
. Free Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 2. Free Anna's Taqueria burritos 3 -
Blog / Academics & Research
Fame Discover Magazine tries to cash in on this whole "turkey into oil" craze that I…
DID YOU KNOW? America's fastest competitive eater is Sonya Thomas, a Korean-American woman who weights 105 lbs. She recently finished 3rd in the 2004 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. Hey, Changing World Technologies -
Blog / About Decisions
Answers, and live updates Live from a lecture by architect Steven Holl.
, 5pm.Bloggers Party: Friday, 8:30pm.Activities Fair: Saturday, 1-3pm -
Blog / MIT Life
Super Adventure Club In a little while, I'll be gone.
. get a haircut, or decide that my hair is beautiful. 3. take a bath That -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
All my pasts and futures A blog entry about band and quiz bowl, to prove that I'm still hip.
. Beethoven wrote only one opera and it was called "Fidelio." 3. The first -
Blog / About Decisions
Antici A long time ago in a suburb far away...
day--I was usually home by 3:15 on Mondays, having finished up most of -
Blog / MIT Life
Pervnert This entry is not suitable for children under 7 or finite-volume, compressible vapors.
. Only those editions prior to the 3rd contained it. Much like Sam's Mom -
Blog / Academics & Research
Etiquette Workshop: The Keys to Painless Networking Jodi Smith taught the UPOPers the keys to painless networking!
contact and then let go! 3. When introducing yourself, say your name slowly -
Blog / Academics & Research
The Parafilm Effect The center cannot hold... unless you stick it together with Parafilm.
3 to 4 times its original length before breaking. That is what -
Blog / Extracurriculars
Not your stereotypical sorority girl Tonight is the first night of sorority recruitment!
casual dress - Fri., February 3, 2006: House and Philanthropy Night 4:45pm -
Blog / Events
Underneath your curves (Free) sample problems from MIT's integration bee this year.
? 1. "Natural log of x" 2. "Natural log x" 3. "Lynn x" (rhymes with "win -
Blog / Academics & Research
Musings on Graduate School Starting to think about graduate school...
- Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Course 3 - Materials Science and