three Costco trips that we took over the span of 3 days.
Other than that, the day only ... slumped in a corner of C3 having a very healthy dinner of brownies and Oreos ... dancing!
Rope swinging to Electric Love by BØRNS in East Campus <3
I texted my friend, “I feel like my frustration with 6.009 over the course of each week would make an amazing sinusoidal graph.” She said, “You should make that a…
trying to console myself. As a 6-3, 6.004 is the most “hardware” class that ... -something buildings are only connected through the 3rd floor and I did not ... "] My friends and I are watching Spiderman 3 while I write this post! I
has been long, but productive. I had an exam, 3 psets, and other ... peek into my life during the last 3 weeks. Adding pastel green to ... early, and had another packed day of interviews from 8:45-3:45, non