Blog / About Decisions Pie No, not pi. ) The Z-Center 4) What exactly is the Student Center? 5) Will Anna's kill by Snively '11 March 17, 2008
Blog / Extracurriculars Why I do too much stuff at MIT 1)My mom doesn't have a problem with it. saying "I have a 4.0 at MIT!" and not explaining the 5.0 scale is far by Keri G. '10 January 13, 2008
Blog / MIT History & Culture Comfort Matters A unique application process slides back, providing, at the very least, an entertaining 5 minutes prior by Snively '11 January 10, 2008
Blog / IAP The Space Between In which I attempt to explain IAP. (Hint: it's not a Dave Matthews Band song.) course numbers: “18.02, 5.112, 7.012, and 8.012.” So I know I'm not in by Paul B. '11 January 7, 2008
Blog / MIT Life The Wall A Lack of Color the Media Lab, which was great for waking me up at 5am back in the fall by Karen F. '11 January 2, 2008
Blog / Challenges At What Cost A summary of my fall semester ’t do particularly well in any of them. I ended up with a 3.9/5.0 semester by Derrick B. '08 December 21, 2007
Blog / About Decisions Things To Do While Waiting for Decisions, Part II Relax! Take it eee-aaa-sy! to save Mr. Splashy Pants. (You named him, now save him.) 5. Celebrate by Jess K. '10 December 10, 2007
Blog / MIT Life One Student’s Crusade to Stop Genocide I confess to regarding the phrase “never again” with cynicism. It offers a rhetorical smokescreen… important upcoming events: DarfurFast on Wednesday, December 5th, and a Darfur by The Humanitarian Blog November 26, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research David Berry: A “Fearless” Innovator with a Passion for MIT Dr. David Berry, who received his S.B. and Ph.D. from MIT, received the honor of… from 160 MIT alums nominees, so to the 5-year term position is clearly an by Melis A. '08 October 4, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Hit in the Face: A Snively GuestBlog Snively's point of view. Only this time it's actually his point of view, and not… from 5 to 7. OK, YOU READY?! OPEN WIDE! So, like any good MIT student by Laura N. '09 September 14, 2007
Blog / Extracurriculars Blogger Decisions Released Many thanks to all of this year's incredible applicants! House, and is trying to decide between 5, 7, and 20. He's going to do Mission by Ben Jones September 7, 2007
Blog / Personal Travel A day without rain + pictures of yosemite short time) which is some 5 miles away. Someone asked me recently how I by Lulu L. '09 July 18, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Interview with Hanhan Wang: EECS, robots, and more! What it’s like to study electrical engineering and computer science at MIT equations and an Advanced math class - A departmental lab class - 5 “ by Melis A. '08 May 13, 2007
Blog / Admissions Pre-MIT prep How to prepare yourself for life at MIT -- hint: watch Chappelle's Show. Everyone else… a good raincoat. Take one totally unnecessary class -- I took 5 by Mitra L. '07 April 18, 2007
Blog / Admissions The Open-Ended Question Why I chose MIT ... twice I want 5 MORE YEARS. By the time I graduate, I will have spent a third by Bryan April 15, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Work Hard, Play Hard MIT students actually have lives, occasionally. .03 test, a 7.013 (ESG) test, and a 5.12 problem set all the next day - and by Jess K. '10 April 8, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research What do you do with a BS in econ? Answering Karen's question about my degree Dean, London Business School and Dean, Haas School of Business 5. Paul by Mitra L. '07 March 9, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research MIT Students Operate On Hawaii Time! MIT's learning environment supports a wide range of learning styles and experiences. engaged in tutorial (in groups of 4 to 5). An important point is that by Chancellor Eric Grimson February 28, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research I’ll bet you got waylaid! Wherein Portland, Oregon rocks my face. room to my bed in Burton-Conner. It took me over 5 minutes to spell the by Sam M. '07 February 25, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Welcome to Senior Haus According to Joel '10 from New House, we eat your babies. 'm 5'6"). Of course, right after I typed this Sari '09 passed by my room by Keri G. '10 February 15, 2007