:45: Dexter?! Lol.
3:00 to 3:30: The guy is from Donghai University, Chemical ... graduates when they're 16, and makes a million by 17." (me: umm...)
2:45 to 3 ... , everyone's so much better!"
3:15 to 3:47: Jennifer talks a bit about what
were kids. Their parents moved with them to the US, but 3 of the 4 ... all that Spanish that I hadn't used in 3 years.
Monday was my first day ... gone out with people from work at least 3 different times. They really
By Chris Mills '12
It's 3:30 a.m. I have to leave to get to the ... friends finally showed up to the hotel.
roughly 3 a.m. Thats my ... to bed until roughly 3, I set three alarms. In a random anomaly in the
[by C/3C Christopher Benson, '10]
"Sometimes after I take off, I wonder how I am getting paid to do this job... I should be paying them."
This quote came from an F-15 pilot who stopped by to speak to the AFROTC