Subject Tests ("SAT 2s"): one in math (Level 1 or Level 2) and one in ... Reasoning Test or ACT Plus Writing and 2 SAT Subject Tests as above, or you ... (Level 1 or Level 2) and one in science (Physics, Chemistry, or Biology E
Happy Thanksgiving! My friend Jennifer (MIT ’01) is an artist/baker extraordinaire. This week I got her annual Thanksgiving comic in my inbox: Dear friends, May your Thanksgiving holiday be a…
In honor of the release of the Nintendo Wii the Great Dome found itself hacked.
Photo Credit: Eric Schmiedl
More photos can be found here
Update (11/19/06; 2:08 PM)
The cultural reference for that symbol goes
-naked, and get you out.
2. I wonder if acclaimed thespians Kelsey Grammer ... me at all, unlike Spiderman 2, where the value of an eigenvector can be ... .022 textbook made a cameo in Spiderman 2.
4. One thing that did bother me was
I'm currently studying for what might turn out to be my last ever final exams at MIT.
Monday: 2.006 - Thermal Fluids Engineering II
Update: A toughie, but I managed to answer most of the problems =)
If you
Coming soon: An entry on The Tech Nomads
But first: 26.2 miles of awesomeness
Interseting story: My mom was seated on the plane next to a couple with a newborn baby. They all (well, except the newborn) chatted about
Two groups are hosting pi celebrations:
This **Tuesday, 3/14, at 6pm in room 2-102** the UMA (undergraduate math association) will be holding
the following festivities in honor of pi day:
Pie baking contest
Oh, so good.
Joanne witnessed the convergence of two of her loves a few days back, and now it's my turn. Just received email from my friend who works in MIT's Publishing Services Bureau:
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006
Shameless thievery from a colleague’s blog topic (sorry Matt). There are a great many more of you that were deferred that admitted. I’m sure that receiving the news that you…