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honest review of MIT dining hall food, sponsored by my lovely [annotation note="i live in Burton-Conner and thus am free from the shackles of a meal plan YIPPEE unlike the majority of my friends. but also lowkey MIT
Saturday and bouncing out of bed. I love wearing headphones in a hipster ... squeezing past thousands - THOUSANDS - of middle- and high-school kids and ... holding signs.
I love slipping out of the human river and into the Bush
five hours of sleep last night, but for some reason I'm awake and feeling ... this before, but my summer is very routine and kind of boring. I have ... ?), and kind of interesting. Here we go!
1) Before Wall-E there were
than in college. the experience of living [annotation note="10 if you ... "]rpm[/annotation] dinner. the timing of it was lowkey early for me (4:30, considering that ... was honestly really cute! a lot of the rpms talked about giving back
lag and low video quality"]livestream[/annotation]showing the Class of ... with the intention of ever posting it later on (i.e. publishing this blog ... 's easy to lose track of time with pretty murals. I promise I end up walking
It's been 16 years since the last installment of Burton 1 Cribs, an extensive tour of rooms on [annotation note="For those who don't know us, we're Burton 1, the first floor of Burton Connor! We love the color blue, bones
dancing—which are, of course, fun but it’s really just that. Overwhelming ... where a whole class is together, and this was one of them. It’s fun seeing ... . Everyone wanted a bite out of everyone for photos, which panned out
As a part of MIT’s unconventional housing assignment process, rising ... and culture of their residence halls. In the ’90s and early ’00s, these ... with the advent of YouTube/Vimeo/etc they are now posted online
upcoming fall. And this is true: most of the classes I am taking are just ... Laboratory in Mathematics
18.966: Geometry of Manifolds II
24 ... 's kind of tiring. But when I look at the list above, I can't imagine
-- that next big thing that'll finally get me out of this slump of emo ... rather boring. I've been feeling like I'm on the brink of something bigger ... my hands dirty. Thankfully, I have a few of those projects happening
the same dorm touch, they merge into one!
Note: The order of dorms ... link here.
(Very) rough counts of windows by dorm (all counted by hand by the wonderful creators of this game 🥲):
Random Hall: 96 windows
of us speculated back and forth -- would we know the person already ... thought taking a picture of the snack table would make me look like a rube ... passed -- and then the door opened again and a group of people walked in
students. For those of you who fall into this category, this is an open forum ... comments below civilly and with the best of intentions, as that is the spirit of our process.
stage of grief so demanding" and "maybe you riot for nothing—it's just a ... classes because i genuinely enjoy them, or because of the inertia.
what's the point? why am i doing all of this?
As many of you know, I've been completing a seven week internship ... you to my team, Team 12. I worked in a team of four other TNTs and two ... .
Week 0
In the first week of the program, we were paired with another team
are [annotation note="34, in fact"]a ton[/annotation] of beautiful ... is only a bit of an overstatement. The ferry ride is indeed beautiful ... boat?? No one waves at you if you're on land...regardless of where
specifically my relationship with one mentor who has grown into more of a sister ... reality halfway around the world, but I’m sure a lot of you have heard all about it before- some of you have even lived it yourselves. In addition to