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Blog / Best of the Blogs
Halloween is the best day of the year. Yes, I recognize that it is now closer to Thanksgiving than to Halloween. Sorry.
Halloween is awesome, for a bajillion reasons. Reason 1 of 1 bajillion: It's my birthday. Reason 2 of 1 bajillion: Nerdiness and creativity and ridiculousness emerge in costume form. Reason 3 of 1 bajillion: An -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Happy 21st Birthday to the Random Hall Milk the Milk is now old enough to drink, but *please*, don't drink the Milk
21 years ago today a very special carton of milk was brought home ... of the Milk that he posted on these blogs two years ago: Nineteen years ago, a fairly lactose-intolerant resident of Random Hall decided to make -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
An Admissions Excavation Chris gave me a box of stuff and this is what I found inside
mission, as it were, was to dig through this mystery box of old DVDs, CDs, and tapes of admissions movies and pictures and unearth anything funny ... /label/digitize everything but that’s less interesting). So, here are some of the coolest -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Subtle Black MIT Traits A few things I have experienced as a black person at MIT
experienced as a black person at MIT, and I put it in the form of the popular ... . For those of you that don’t know S.A.T is a page for Asian people to ... that got a lot of attention, and I thought it might be a good idea to go -
Blog / Academics & Research
A Hard MIT Class ...or is that redundant? And yes, hiiiiii.
Picture this. You’re trying to shuffle past a gaggle of camera-wielding tourists. You bump into one of their shoulders; they regard you for a moment ... to the solution, the climax, the moment of insight, breakthrough. That -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
On Escaping An introspective vlog about MIT and getting ready to leave
I have five different takes of this video that were scrapped before I ... is going, though. I'm working on so many different types of projects ... to delve into some of the things I've been feeling this year about -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Bad Ideas Weekend 2019 good times
climate of despair and misery, we finally go crazy. All rationality is lost. We are here to celebrate the ideas that are borne of this insanity.”[annotation note="The only true part of this quote is the first sentence. Winter here -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Confusion, by the Numbers my high school experience, via a google doc and some python
many "failures" served as catalysts for personal growth. In the wake of ... MIT has brought its own set of failures. It's hard not to get hung up on ... and the process of making new friends. I hated being confused over -
Blog / Admissions
Painting by number The anti-formula
the concept of students completing elaborate “paint by number ... , I can not argue with the logic of trying to discover the formula for ... formulas. When you combine the idea of creating an image based upon numbers -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
trying to trim the tree of possible paths an Aristotelean inquiry
've left my copy of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics [annotation note="this is particularly tragic because some of the quotes are from that text (quoted in ... account of something else"; i.e. that which is most complete and most -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
The Making of the Riri Williams Pi Day Video Behind the scenes of an extraordinary three minutes!
all saw posted on Tuesday. For those of you that aren’t Xtreme Nerds ... Man comics A lot of people at MIT were of course ecstatic, and in ... , making sure to state that Riri was a resident of Simmons dormitory. Erick -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
A Brief History of Cars on Fire at MIT You didn't think I would miss an anniversary, did you?
If you're the kind of person who remembers to look up once in a ... of one or more of the people in this photo: Why those people ... the side of Goodale (the northeast corner of East Campus): -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Views of Campus, the Charles River, and the First Snow with a snowman and a snow dalek
buildings lining Newbury Street two miles away in Boston. Much of campus ... architectural styles, the atmosphere of cumulative, continuing history it creates, and the view of the river. There’s romance in losing sleep and body heat -
Blog / Admissions
There are no imposters in the Class of 2018 Strength in networks
The new MIT Class of 2018 Facebook group is a warm, fuzzy place ... of you. Is that weird?" (No, it's not weird!) and virtual group hugs ... why I was accepted." Of the 80-ish responses to the poll question "How -
Blog / About Decisions
To the Deferred I feel your pain.
plethora of emotions that come with it. Right now, some of you are nearly giddy with elation, having just learned of your acceptance. Some of you ... others of you are stuck in that frustrating and seemingly interminable -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Save Point sleep wake hope
on this post alone for the past six days. Most of it, I've been writing ... whole lot of difference. Sometimes I know that they are worlds apart. I ... dedicate to my writing than I really would have liked, which is one of the -
Blog / Admissions
Writing is Magic And 15 minutes is all you need
’t updated it lately. It’s not because I’m tired of writing- I’m not. And it certainly isn’t because of a lack of material. I have more material than ever ... . Some of you brilliant prospective MIT students know exactly what I mean -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
Be yourself or create yourself? The biggest question in freshman year.
. That hope was certainly true of me, and from chatting with friends ... Great Gatsby, “the Great American Novel”, is a book most of us have to go ... wager that half of the successful and famous people will tell you, “just