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Blog / Events
MIT is Utopia Because the nice guys were here.
The last 2 weeks have been such a whirlwind of activities. Last weekend was Utopia, a big boat cruise and party in the Boston Harbor. MIT CSC (Chinese Student's Club) hosted it, and a bunch of students from -
Blog / Miscellaneous
I’M BACK!!! This, kids, is why you should store your passwords somewhere safe, just in case Firefox…
Ok, so long story short (I’ll blog the whole thing later), I use firefox to remember my password to login to the MIT blogs website. I remember my username easily… -
Blog / Admissions
College Fair! v2.0
's going on? At CollegeWeek Live! you all can participate in a real-time, 2 -
Blog / MIT History & Culture
Surprise! Long time no see!
DID YOU KNOW? John McCain is 2.41 Saturn years old. Funny story. On the way to dinner tonight we were discussing Adelaide '09 and her role as our floor's "Moral Compass" when we started chatting about Sam and -
Blog / Hacks
Vespertilio No spoilers here.
in for our 2 hour wait. [2 hours later] OMG guys! This is it! Batman!!! [2.5 hours later] OMGOMGOMGGUYS ... about 2 hours later we had pictures! I didn't have my camera so I hope -
Blog / Events
A Mystery Hunt Puzzle A Taste of Things to Come...
It is 2:45 AM. You have just finished your 5.111 pset. The handwritten solutions took you 10 pages, and you're very fed up with drawing molecular orbital diagrams. You still have a 14.01 pset to do, before the sun -
Blog / MIT Life
Harvard-MIT Student Debate on Pakistan this Friday
Harvard and MIT have organized a panel discussion on Pakistan's current state and future prospects: Date: Friday, 2/8 Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm Location: 4-270 There'll be four panelists, all of whom have a strong -
Blog / MIT History & Culture
Attack! My war diary.
the residents of Conner 2 (second floor of the Conner side of Burton ... whoever you see." Conner 2 is lucky to have a roof that's accessible from ... members of Conner 2 charged up the two flights of stairs and rammed the door -
Blog / Academics & Research
Travels Winter break is here!
goes on. Personally I decided to go back MIT for 2 weeks and then going -
Blog / Admissions
Testing requirements FAQ Some Q & A regarding testing for MIT admission.
Subject Tests ("SAT 2s"): one in math (Level 1 or Level 2) and one in ... Reasoning Test or ACT Plus Writing and 2 SAT Subject Tests as above, or you ... (Level 1 or Level 2) and one in science (Physics, Chemistry, or Biology E -
Blog / MIT Life
Retreat, RETREAT!! A weekend vacation.
to this place. 2. I'd never driven in the snow. 3. It was dark. Thank -
Blog / Miscellaneous
Happy Thanksgiving! Holiday wishes and fun stuff.
Happy Thanksgiving! My friend Jennifer (MIT ’01) is an artist/baker extraordinaire. This week I got her annual Thanksgiving comic in my inbox: Dear friends, May your Thanksgiving holiday be a… -
Blog / Hacks
Get Your Wii On. A Dome Hack!!!
In honor of the release of the Nintendo Wii the Great Dome found itself hacked. Photo Credit: Eric Schmiedl More photos can be found here Update (11/19/06; 2:08 PM) The cultural reference for that symbol goes -
Blog / Events
Want a bike? Get a fairly decent bike at the Next House bike auction
auction for all abandoned bikes at Next House. It won't be until the 2nd or -
Blog / Academics & Research
“MIT Abounds With UROP Students” A photo spread about student research.
: Bryan's UROP Sam's UROP Mollie's UROP Mollie's UROP #2 Adam -
Blog / Admissions
Class of 2010 profile A ststistical look at the incoming freshmen.
American 1% Puerto Rican 2% Other Hispanic groups 3% Other/no response 6 -
Blog / MIT Life
Far and Away I was going to get philosophical, but then I thought about Hugh Jackman.
-naked, and get you out. 2. I wonder if acclaimed thespians Kelsey Grammer ... me at all, unlike Spiderman 2, where the value of an eigenvector can be ... .022 textbook made a cameo in Spiderman 2. 4. One thing that did bother me was -
Blog / Academics & Research
Finals! Finals are here!
I'm currently studying for what might turn out to be my last ever final exams at MIT. Monday: 2.006 - Thermal Fluids Engineering II Update: A toughie, but I managed to answer most of the problems =) If you -
Blog / MIT History & Culture
Dewey Love Libraries? Yes we dew!
2 hours. You really should try one. (That is me.) Dewey is the