Blog / Admissions It’s All Going To Be Okay I won The Game! ): Rule 1: You are playing The Game. Rule 2: Whenever you think about The by Paul B. '11 March 3, 2008
Blog / Athletics MIT is going to pump you up! A bit about a cool new fitness program called getfit@mit with the shop guys in Pappalardo (where we build out 2.007 robots.) I by Melis A. '08 February 29, 2008
Blog / MIT History & Culture A Nerd’s Paradise Phi is a "h" of a lot cooler than pi. go read this entry.) Exhibit #2: I am, right now, wearing this shirt by Paul B. '11 February 28, 2008
Blog / Miscellaneous MIT vs. Chuck Norris Ever wonder how many math and science Chuck Norris jokes exist in cyberspace? . I hate the number 23 so I threw in 2 of my favorites to get us to 25 by Bryan G. Nance February 5, 2008
Blog / Admissions The State of the Mail: Opened & Processed It's time to check MyMIT to make sure we have all the pieces of your… following: Application Part 1, Application Part 2, Secondary School Report and by Matt McGann '00 January 24, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research It all comes to this The Senior Thesis (cue dramatic music) presentation.” (2.ThA website) Some people choose to begin their research in the by Melis A. '08 January 23, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Livin’ la Vida Española (Pt. 1) De Madrid, ¡saludos! sense of the daily newspaper, the subway announcements, and having 2-hour by Chris S. '11 January 21, 2008
Blog / Events How Many Liveblogs Can We Get Onto One Page?! Mystery Hunt Part 3.5 Star Trek Characters?! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 by Snively '11 January 20, 2008
Blog / Admissions FIRST Robotics Kickoff Things go into Overdrive at a reception at Dean Kamen's house. Robotics links: MIT's class 2.007: Design and Manufacturing I, the by Matt McGann '00 January 5, 2008
Blog / Events Noam Chomsky Talk in 26-100 i still have to send these pictures to amnesty :// http by Lulu L. '09 December 4, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Come Together What do you believe in? Cambridge and the time was September 23rd, 2007 at 2:38pm. It became a by Lulu L. '09 October 9, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research First Day of School Fall term classes began today at MIT. made in MIT lecture hall 10-250 at 2:41pm, 8 December 2006. The student by Matt McGann '00 September 5, 2007
Blog / Hacks Harry Potter and the Infinite Corridor (updated!) Don't even try to post a spoiler. line started forming at X - 2 o clock. Bloggers have a way of running by Bryan July 20, 2007
Blog / Events Fabulous Festivities & Fireworks for the Fourth The annual Boston Pops concert and fireworks show. location. 2. The Sailing Pavilion. For members of the MIT Nautical by Matt McGann '00 July 3, 2007
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Behind the scenes of Glamour: Part 1 Two MIT students were chosen as Glamour's Top 10 College Women day in lab. So you may be surprised to hear that 2 MIT students, Alia by Melis A. '08 June 9, 2007
Blog / Admissions FIRST POST! You guys are totally right.. that WAS really tempting. I would love to take credit for the brilliant entry title, but unfortunately it was all Spam’s idea. Thanks, Spam. Unfortunately, in the mean time, I’ve forgotten how to blog.… by Jess K. '10 May 7, 2007
Blog / About Decisions Moving Forward I, and the outstanding staff in the admissions office, re-affirm our pledge to uphold the… as an undergraduate. After four years in Course 2, and twenty years in by Stu Schmill '86 May 4, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Oh look, an update application rather than an exercise (problem sets 2-6 involve different aspects by Jessie L. '07 March 10, 2007
Blog / MIT Life I am Treasured :) Graduate school visit #1 (Updated) current students? 2. Ask TOUGH questions to the current students, and if you by Bryan March 6, 2007
Blog / Events Let’s talk about science…and chocolate A day of scientific enlightment followed by one of chocolate consumption. . Then, it was my turn! The poster session was from 2:00-3:40 PM, when I by Melis A. '08 March 5, 2007