Bread (2x)
Soft Organic Multigrain Bread (2x) [don't ask me what the ... (2x) [my mom made these at home all the time and they are fairly ... feel manlier]
Milk Half Gallon Organic Whole (2x) [I need milk
Hello Friends! I am back with my biweekly vlog update, quite late because I am lazy have been preoccupied with my schedule. I’ve been wonderful! Classes have started! REX happened!…
IAP stands for many things.
For those people just chilling on campus, It's A Party.
For those people taking 2 classes, UROPing, and working, It's A Pain.
For Chris M. '12, It's Amazing Pterodactyl.
For me, I
eating whatever is quickly made?"
2) "If you (or anyone you know) has a ... aspects to eating on campus. 1) dorm dining halls, 2) convenience stores, 3 ... Cormick, Simmons, Baker)
2) The option of signing up for a dining plan (everywhere
A friend of mine ended up studying lit at a nearby college here in Boston. (If you didn't know, Boston has approximately 10^24 colleges. Per m^2). She asked if I'd mind showing her around the 'tvte, as it seemed
The other day my roommate and I decided that there was a flaw in the English language. I’d point out flaws in other langauges, but my mastery of them leaves…
and generosity, etc.
I'm Course 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer ... intended by an angle of pi/2 on the Circle of Fifths. Trignometry hurts ... Taekwondo team, spending all your time in Course 6-2 classes, letting me have