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Blog / MIT Life
Saturday at the water park
off-key at the top of their lungs. It was a gorgeous day, 85 degrees -
Blog / Personal Travel
If I Try Really Hard, I Can Resemble Ernest Borgnine First stop on the tour: London.
long way up! It's yours truly ;-) A view from the top Big Ben & -
Blog / Blog Projects
This blog post was written by a winner my entry for #BlogstonCommons
've moved as fast as 35 mph. Usain Bolt's top speed is a little over 27 mph ... going to throw up. But I didn't, and I reached the top! I took a picture -
Blog / Athletics
dance dance revolution lessons from ddr
song begins, arrows begin moving from the bottom of the screen to the top ... corresponding arrows reach the top of the screen; you get points based on how well -
Blog / Admissions
why i chose mit the paths not traveled
: MIT wasn't my top choice. My top choice was Stanford, which I was not -
Blog / People & Identities
love people. cook them. tasty food. meet pecker!
I live on the top floor of a small pile of donuts named Random Hall, and it looks something like [annotation note="to prevent bonfire erasure ... I keep telling myself that this weekend, I’ll be on top of my work -
Blog / Advice
Crocheting With the Firehose Gauge your stitches, gauge your life
relatively easy academics. This formed a lifestyle resembling the top left ... lifestyle resembling the top right crochet swatch — an overworked and -
Blog / Challenges
head above the water (intro post) an inner dialogue about my first month of classes
into my mouth while i was sitting on top of that statue in killian court ... see some kid squatting on top of the statue and wolfing down pita bread -
Blog / Challenges
busy, busy, busy screaming into the void
am i supposed to say to him? that i'm on top of things, i'm on top things, because everything i need to do gets done, and i'm no -
Blog / Academics & Research
hell. handling the hardest semester at MIT, virtually
've managed to stay on top of my technicals by devoting as little effort as ... semester where we're virtual is absolute torture. On top of this, we have to -
Blog / Uncategorized
a spectacle-r weekend exploring the Boston Harbor Islands
" align="aligncenter" width="463"] view from the top deck[/caption] A note ... the top of the hill to look at Boston from. The view was absolutely -
Blog / How to Human
Chasing Success idk what that means anymore.
seemed to be simple. It was easy to identify what was at the top of the ... 's waiting at the top of them. The ladders seem infinite, and my path through -
Blog / Athletics
3 / A team effort Roll Tech: Your newest Intercollegiate High Team silver medalists!
individual event. We placed 2nd out of 12 schools, a record top finish! Even ... R. '19 earn top-5 finishes. Of course, we also psetted and studied in -
Blog / MIT Life
Seattle was gorgeous until the smoke came in
of Mount Rainier. The larger meadow at the top of the mountain felt ... by rocky peaks[/caption] To get to the top of the cliff, you have to -
Blog / IAP
Ciao, Italy! part 1 of art, food, and churches
thin layer on top. To a chocolate lover like me, it tasted heavenly ... top of it all was how to keep the varying levels of proficiency -
Blog / MIT Life
Room 251 a room tour!
the drawer, then climbing on top of the drawer, then into my bed. You ... bible, and Tobira stacked on top of it, a Japanese textbook. I've been -
Blog / Academics & Research
Finals away from finals Recharging on the other coast
final project state machine draft, top left. 6.031 exam crib sheet, top -
Blog / Events
Lilly Chin The Spiciest Memelord
one of her top college choices, an intrigue reinforced by her time ... graduate school visits (her top choices: Standford, Carnegie Mellon, MIT -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red Free art and how to borrow it at MIT
electronically rank your top 5 choices They randomly select students via lottery and when you are selected, they go down your list of top 5 choies and