director and I had to email Chris, who was in the middle of committee still ... ). And at this time of year especially, I'm usually back on the computer ... hopping with great things going on. Come to think of it, I'd rather be at
If you enjoyed the story of the MIT Blackjack Team -- the movie "21 ... tic-tac-toe lottery was seriously flawed. It took a few hours of ... of secretly plundering the game, he decided to go to the Ontario
install a billion types of software. Over the last few weeks, I've had to ... ’s calendar and wanted to follow up with mine...
Look at that sea of blue ... : lots of stuff to do
me: yeah
i'm iCal-ing
right now
where it just rains. This week is one of them.
It has been raining pretty ... some reason, a school full of engineers has some serious problems with ... it as a shell jacket too, because it can rain any time of year (as
of events for August, Boston has been graced with cloudy skies ... saving time for last-minute decisions. Oh, and grab tons of free food. It ... plenty of opportunities to do so during Orientation:
- Wednesday
I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow this morning. As most of my friends and family could tell you, I'm just a little bit frazzled when packing to go to or from I would, almost inevitably, forget one vital
An email I just sent out to my sorority:
from: Shannon
to: Theta
date: Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 8:10 AM
subject: Snow snow snow.
So I'm from West Michigan, which gets some of the most snow in the US, right? Our standards
weeks of reading to be done, so as long as you get us the copies in a ... that all documents include your name and date of birth on each page. At ... , the teacher may fax a copy to us. If they need another copy of the
We are writing with a quick followup to Matt's recent entry. The Waitlist Committee has finalized decisions and is currently emailing all waitlisted applicants.
A brief overview:
Of the 629 students currently on the
, Biology as conceived by Cambridge is about knowing a vast set of facts ... about Cambridge students is that few things stand in their way of enjoying ... at Trinity College, where I randomly met five members of my own college
Hi folks,
Jess sent me an email a few days ago making fun of me for ... apologize; we've been working 7-day weeks since January reading all of your ... those who meet all of the following criteria:
You have applied for
of the following criteria:
You have applied for freshman admission (not ...
Will there be any indication of my admissions decision in my MyMIT account?
Admitted students will see the addition of the Admitted Student
those of you applying this year and for whom English is your primary ... may choose the second option for non-native English speakers:
Test of ... must submit one of the following: SAT Reasoning Test, ACT Plus Writing