Blog / Admissions A CPW Entry for Parents Students shouldn't have all the fun. Coffeehouse, on the 3rd floor of the Student Center, one floor above CPW by Matt McGann '00 April 8, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Interphase This entry has nothing to do with cell division —sorry kids, it doesn’t work at the Coop or the laundry machines. 3) What by Karen F. '11 April 4, 2008
Blog / How to MIT Laptops! It goes on the top of your lap. you will see three varieties: 1) Mac 2) Dell 3) Lenovo IBM Thinkpad by Snively '11 March 22, 2008
Blog / Admissions Summer Lovin’ Tell me more, tell me more! revolving solar system. That took me like 3 afternoons and 2 nights...=/) We by Chris S. '11 February 8, 2008
Blog / Events Adonde? Excuse me sir, I seem to have misplaced my pants. "Snively, Improv Everywhere is doing their no-pants subway ride at 3 o by Snively '11 January 17, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research As if course numbers weren’t enough: Learning your A, B, Cs, and OEs Different majors at MIT, and why I chose mine Engineering), 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), or 6-3 by Melis A. '08 November 11, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Classes! Classes! Classes! Classes! class, I usually have fun. 3. Chinese III - this is the class I picked up by Karen F. '11 November 1, 2007
Blog / How to Food Internet is Gonna Get Me In lieu of studying, I finally get around to answering your questions. dorms (the i3 videos, or Interactive Introduction to the Institute, can be by Jess K. '10 September 29, 2007
Blog / Admissions Wise Words From Mikey A good thing to read as you prepare to arrive on campus and begin your… for 2-3 years (examples: I didn't learn until junior or senior year that by Ben Jones August 15, 2007
Blog / MIT Life Comments, UROPs, field trips, and OMG HP7! The most awesome blog entry ever. Because...okay it's probably not. But it's all about how… middle of the cruise boat. 3. A good Slytherin to appear. Why are the by Laura N. '09 July 20, 2007
Blog / About Decisions Consider a Gap Year Deferring enrollment is an option you may want to consider. 3-108 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 We will grant a deferral for almost any by Matt McGann '00 June 1, 2007
Blog / MIT Life What the end of the semester does to Conner 2 For one thing, no one does the dishes. And I mean no one. .01 (Calculus) 8.01 (Mechanics) 3.091 or 5.111 or 5.112 (different "flavors" of by Laura N. '09 December 27, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Al Kwon ‘08: Researching drug delivery Al Kwon, a Junior majoring in Biology, talks about some of his really exciting work… (since Spring 2006) and the encapsulation of omega-3 oil (since Spring 2006 by Melis A. '08 December 12, 2006
Blog / Admissions October ‘06 Questions Omnibus Some advice from MIT interviewers, and answers to your questions. . (3) Interviews and parts of the application: I've interviewed students ... (such as in a 3 year bachelors degree granting ... back to 'NO SCHOOL AVAILABLE' again...any problem with that? "Q3. As you by Matt McGann '00 October 23, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Re-introduction A summary, for those of you just tuning in. blogosphere. 3. Drew asked, How do we know what foreign language class to by Mollie B. '06 July 26, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Just some potpourri Zoo! New computer! Cooking! Books! Spine-crushingly tedious work at the lab! because they kept conflicting with required classes in my majors. 3 by Mollie B. '06 July 22, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research It’s the terror of knowing Ten dollars for my thoughts on grad school. fairs. 3. I can't go to MIT for a PhD. Now, this isn't a bad thing by Sam M. '07 July 20, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Once upon a time Who I was in high school. at learning from books -- and I'm very jealous of them! 3. Katie '10 by Mollie B. '06 July 19, 2006
Blog / MIT History & Culture Where are you going with this? The ponderings of an ex-frosh. said, my GPA is a 3.8. When I tell my friends, I think I'll just leave it by Laura N. '09 June 18, 2006
Blog / MISTI DOMR My first crazy picture entry from Germany. couldn't e-mail Sam's Mom. 3. Mr. Chicken. Mr. Chicken (not Herr Chicken by Sam M. '07 June 8, 2006