Activities Period, Period of Independence and Activity-Doing! I've lived here ... ? :)
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EDIT. I've received some feedback about people related to some of the ... ! Please check out the picture of dinner below and the links, and I hope to
where it just rains. This week is one of them.
It has been raining pretty ... some reason, a school full of engineers has some serious problems with ... it as a shell jacket too, because it can rain any time of year (as
I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow this morning. As most of my friends and family could tell you, I'm just a little bit frazzled when packing to go to or from I would, almost inevitably, forget one vital
We are writing with a quick followup to Matt's recent entry. The Waitlist Committee has finalized decisions and is currently emailing all waitlisted applicants.
A brief overview:
Of the 629 students currently on the
those of you applying this year and for whom English is your primary ... may choose the second option for non-native English speakers:
Test of ... must submit one of the following: SAT Reasoning Test, ACT Plus Writing
The most recent issue of MIT's student newspaper The Tech had a nice spread about summer UROPs. UROP is MIT's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, and is the oldest and most extensive program involving
I am back in the office, did you miss me? :-)
St. John was awesome, but not as awesome as MIT. Consider the evidence:
But a week of total relaxation didn't stop me from thinking about MIT constantly
I got an email today about the MacVicar Day event this week that showcases student research in our labs here on campus and in the field worldwide.
It should be an exciting celebration of student achievements in
Things are still pretty crazy around here, so until I get a chance to post, I'll keep you entertained with the following.
As you know if you follow Matt's blog, my colleague Joanne's dog Evie is somewhat of an office
So I can't take an ounce of credit for this artistic endeavor, but I will applaud it's shear awesomeness.
So this weekend my friends Diana, Yonas, Chris, Tom, Christi, and other Bakerites made this huge sign to
Mitra always has snazzy photos on her blog (though I am sad to hear about her recent camera issues), while mine, so far, is just text. So on my last trip I took pictures of my Central Meetings and promised to put